
Talking black cat in dream?

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I saw a talking black cat in my dream- moreover i was talking to it and trying to protect it. There were other animals in the dream as well, but the black cat was the only one that could talk and the one i went through actions to protect. What does this mean?




  1. u like black cats

  2. I have to agree with Anthony I think that this dream is demonic. As such you need to pray to Jesus Christ asking him to protect you and your family. Also ask him to cleanse your dreams as well. If I were you I would ask Jesus Christ to show you the real meaning behind this dream. If you ever have this dream again when you wake up you need to command the demonic spirits entering your dream to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. Take care!!!

  3. some one is trying too tell you something..u should protect the one who trys too tell you this message...well what ever the cat said it must of told you too go too the sick guy...

  4. black cat in dream is not a good sign black cat are evil and are used for black magic  and when ever you see them again just pray for your house and family.

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