
Talking on cell phones while driving?

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IM SICK OF THIS!!! i cant count the number of times somebodies almost run me over because theyre not paying to the road. while theyre on their cellphones the run through crosswalks, run red light, dont stop at the stop sign, drive on the sidewalk. Do you think there should be a united states law against this?




  1. NO it's the American idea of population control .

  2. yes,

  3. The problem with the cell phone law is it is a state law.  Not all states have this.  I know New York and New Jersey have it, but it's not enforced.

  4. States already have laws against driving while distracted, no matter what the cause.

    The University of North Carolina did a study of driving distractions; 11.4% were caused by fooling with the radio/CD, 1.5% were caused by cell phones.

    How many people here are going to petition Congress to ban radios, CD players, etc in cars?

  5. There already is a law against talking on your cell phone while driving.  Some places have different ways around this law by way of using a "hands-free" option, weather its using your phones speaker phone or by using an ear ear piece so that your hands are free to control your car.

    The only problem with these laws is that is most areas, they are only secondary offenses (you only get a warning or fine if you are pulled over for a primary offense such as running a red light or speeding).

  6. Yes and many states already either have laws or are working on getting laws for this but I also thing that the first offense should be a fine of $1000.00.

  7. YES! I know exactly what you mean and honestly, I think they are as dangerous and drunk drivers!

    See my dog @

  8. Why another law to not be enforced?    The United States govt can't even enforce the laws against illegal immigration and DEPORT PEDRO!

  9. Deffinitely!! If someone wants to talk on the phone they should park somewhere to do it. They could run over an animal or your child because their mind is on the conversation. I believe that whenever you are in your car your cell phone should be turned off!! Whenever you get to your destination you can check for missed calls. The only exception to this would be if your on vacation, driving a long distance. Then if your phone rings, pull off the road to see who called.

  10. NO Just a law against STUPID PEOPLE

  11. It should be banned and then enforced properly. Drving and talking on a cell is already banned in Europe but not all countries enforce it properly. (Handsfree sets are legal)

    If they need to talk so much, why don't they get a handsfree bluetooth set? They cost like a dollar each and cars come with bluetooth sets already installed anyway. In these circumstances they're just stupid careless and selfish idiots.

    The worst case scenario - a guy driving a convertible with manual transmission in a busy streetmarket area without a seatbelt and talking on a cell.

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