
Talking to Little kids.?

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There's a little kid (he's about 3 years old) and I have to babysit him, and I met him once, but its really hard to talk to him, and also I cant really understand what hes saying sometimes.




  1. okay just talk to normally and when you cant understand him ask him to show you what he is wants and just work with him try teaching him flash cards and how to say the word better so you can understand him better when he talks

  2. Well from experience from being around a lot of toddlers they will either have something in their hand and are too focused on that and mumble without thinking about it or they look down at the ground. It is also quite possible that he may have a bit of a speech impediment. I would suggest either sitting or kneeling on the ground and have him speak to you and make sure he's looking at you-not the toy in his hands or his feet (reading lips can sometimes help if you are good at that).

    A fun thing to do in some cases is have them find pictures of what they want (for example, I have two siblings go in a huge stack of food magazines I have to have them find what they would like for dinner. It's fun for them, they learn to work together, and I can understand without having them repeat themselves over and over). You could even make a big pile of something (clothes, toys, etc.) and have him sort them and tell you what each thing is, why it's going in the pile, what do you use it for, etc.

    Once your around him more you begin to understand how they say things and what words really mean to them (wear=bear, hinnah=dinner, and so on). It makes time but once you both begin to get comfortable with each other it will get easier.

  3. He might have a speech impediment.  Lots of 3 year olds are understandable.  Just talk to him like you would a "normal" person -- do not use babytalk.  If you can not understand him, ask him what he said.

  4. If you can't understand him maybe have him show you, like acting it out or even pointing to whatever it is that he wants or needs. Make it a game! After a while you will learn what words or sounds he uses for a certain object. Good luck!!!

  5. All three year old are difficult to talk to the are just finding their voice

    If hes shy he may just uncomfortable because he not use to you.

    Make sure when you talk to him you bend down to his level it will make you seem less scary and threating (no offence)

    When you talk talk clearly

    Dont use to many babyanised words use the proper words like duck instead of duckie.

    If hes not willing or wanting to talk dont push him he will talk in his own time

    hope this helped and good luck

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