
Talking to a therapist, good or bad idea?

by  |  earlier

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i'm getting nervous. i'm kinda regretting that i said i might need to..




  1. it is almost always a good idea.

    however, you should realize that not every patient is a good match to just any therapist. sometime you have to search for one that is good for you - your personality, your problem.

  2. Having someone to talk to is never a bad idea. There is no cultural stigma applied to people who have therapists. Everybody has a therapist in today's world. Some people use their parents or close friends, but a person trained in recognizing psychological distress is worth having on your team.

  3. Make sure your therapist is a good fit for you.  If you are not comfortable and feel violated don't be afraid to shop around.  The right therapist is very beneficial.  They are not there to be your pal, but to have you take a long look at yourself with honesty and at the same time not abusive.  Don't be afraid to interview therapists and look into their background of practice.  I would ask for advice from psychiatric hospitals and crisis groups because they will have ready info for you to choose the right therapist. I hope I helped.

  4. I'll support you if you decide you want that. I always thought of myself as someone you could talk to. And if its something about me you could talk with your mom.

    (This answer was a lot  longer, but then I realized i was ranting and decided to delete it)

    ya, whatever you wanna do babe, hope you feel better soon

  5. We must do the work.

    talking to some one you don't know but can trust, can be a vary powerful thing.

    fill the room with your sole.

    breath the lakes of fire onto them with out remorse.

    but the only harm you harbor is to your self if you dennie your chance at freeing your self from your demons.


    go while you still can!

    peace be with you Friend.

  6. It depends...

    There are many reasons to see a therapist, one is being able to talk to someone, a professional, who may be able to offer solutions to your problems. Another, is that a therapist will keep tabs on you, and when you are in a lot of stress they can help you's support. And we can always use more support...even if we have friends and family members we can talk to. It's not the same. Therapists can't do miracles though. You gotta do pretty much all the work, go to the sessions, and want to get *better*

    Sometimes it's painful to talk to them about certain may recollect certain memories that you can't handle thinking about, and that can leave you feeling a bit, well, worse. That's what used to happen to me and that's why I stopped going.

    I am glad you are going to look into this. It's worth giving it a shot. You don't have to tell them everything the first session or even the second. And if you find out it's not for you, you can stop going.

  7. I don't see why it can be a bad idea, if you feel nervous about something, you should really go to a therapist, because you have got to feel good with yourself. People who go to therapist aren't dumb, of course, they are some people who think so but it's defiantly fault.

  8. Therapist - no.

    Good friend - yes.

  9. The trouble that I have with seeking professional help such as this is that it does show up on the records that the government does keep on you. And then suddenly you can start losing rights. The second amendment comes to mind.

    Be that as it may, There is nothing wrong with talking to someone who knows how to help find a solution that you are seeking.  

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