
Talking to crush i don't really know...?

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Basically, theres this kid in my school who i really like.

I've never talked to him but he just seems so cool.

Hes a junior and im a freshman.

I feel like he looks at me when we pass by in the halls.

I know that sounds cocky but like i'm not.

Whenever he looks at me I get stupid and look away.

Any ideas on ways that could somehow make us meet or talk or somethinggg?

I'm not really shy i just have no confidence...




  1. sorry, can't really help you here... i dont even know why im answering really.. i'm kinda on the same boat though... except my crush is in my grade...

  2. If it feels like he is looking at you, then he is most likely looking at you. Look him in the eye if you pass by him, even if its quickly. If you want to be a little brave, start smiling or laughing with friends before you walk by him, and look into his eyes while smiling.

    Or, you could always drop a book or something, and he will definitely pick it up if he thinks you're cute. If he picks it up, give a little flirtly smile and thank him. Make sure you look at his eyes when you thank him though, otherwise this could backfire.

  3. dont be stupid and when he "looks" at you l**k your lips or strike a s**y pose

    jkjk just talk to him

  4. oh kay sweetie yur not stupid every girl does dat wen., a guy she liks looks at her!!!trust mih ive been dere!!=D wen he looks at youh smile bakk or wave hi den if youh see him in da hall way juss walkin by,by himself start a convasation dnt b shy about it ask him wats his name? wat grade iz he in the basics even though youh already noe try it nd if it wrkz keep tlkin!!! hope i helped bye  

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