
Talking to kids about goodnites?

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My boys are 9 and 7. My husband and I are taking them on a trip overseas. I don't want my children endangering their lives by going to the lavatory on the plane when the fasten seatbelts sign is on. If there's turbulence, it could make the lavatory off limits, so of course they should wear some protection. But both of them are very upset by this. What should I say to them so they'll wear the goodnites?




  1. Please don't embarass your children.

    Just check with them prior to arriving at the departure gate, again immediately once you've boarded the plane (although everyone's trying to get to their seats make a stop at the toilets on the way if needed), and just prior to landing (about 30 minutes before landing). Also if you're worried get them to go when attendants start to hand out the meals because after meals there's always a very long wait for the toilet.

  2. They are 7 and 9!!! If youre going to wear a diaper, then it might be o.k. In fact you go ahead and wear a diaper if you feel the need, but I think at 7 and 9 they can probably handle themselves.


  3. I concur (sp?)

  4. Why would you want to force your children to do this? Would you require your children to wear them for long car rides as well? They are not toddlers and can reasonably "hold it" for 10-15 minutes if there is an issue.  Even on extremely long flights the bathroom is accessible. During turbulence I have never seen a bathroom off limits. During times when the bathroom is accesible you should encourage them to go. And limit drinking during the flight so they wont have a full bladder every hour. But placing a child in diapers for a flight is rather harsh and unnecissary.  

  5. omg -get some counseling for your hysteria.  please don't subject the children to it!

  6. Perhaps you could ask the airline to install seatbelts in the bathrooms for your peace of mind.

    You can always stuff your children in the overhead compartments with several extra pillows so they don't risk being thrown around during the tumultuous flight.

    You can also get Depends brand 'adult diapers' and condition them to wearing them by example. Show them how comfortable you are in them and maybe they'll follow suit. h**l - get the whole family wearing them on an everyday basis and you won't have a problem when taking a flight.

    Sacrifice three or more prized sheep before your flight to appease the Gods. They will protect you on your flight, sparing you and your family even if the plane should take a nose dive into the Atlantic. You'll be the only survivors.

    Join the "mile high club" and bring your membership card. Show it to the flight attendant when you board the plane to get the best possible seats -- the ones closest to the bathrooms. You'll enjoy extra privileges when using the bathroom during the flight, including complimentary towels, breath mints, and condoms (on request).

  7. I think at 9 and 7 they are old enough to have bladder control. If you are really concerned about this perhaps have them sit on a towell and carry a change of clothes then should an accident happened it can be fixed quickly and discretely.  

  8. I wouldnt put a 7 and a 9 year old in "diapers".  I would object to them as well, if I were them.  Just make sure that while the fasten seat belt light is off, that you check with them often about using the restroom.  I took my daughter on an 18 hour flight overseas when she was 8 and we had no problems.

  9. Well I'm 12 and when I was 10 I went on a plane trip and my parents put me and my 7 and 8 year old brothers into goodnites for the plane ride. They decided it was better for us to wear them then risk the embarrassment of wetting on a plane ride. It was a good thing too because I ended up using mine during a plane transfer when we had to run there to avoid being late. Also I'm going to Greece this year and I'm wearing them there, just in case.

  10. Are you serious? Skip the trip and save the money for the therapy your kids are going to need.

  11. Unless your children have disbilities or bladder-control problems, they're WAY too old to be put in diapers!  Doing so might only stand to damage some basic, critical part of their integrity. You're worrying neurotically about a trivial possibility. Have them use the bathroom before boarding the plane, and tell them they cannot use it again until after take-off. It's really as simple as that!

  12. I believe you are being a little overprotective.  The site listed below states that the odds of an individual being involved in an airline accident is one in eleven million.

    If I were you, I wouldn't force my kids into diapers.  I would bring an extra change of clothes to change, just in case.  However, there would be plenty of opportunities for your children to use the restroom while flying.  

  13. Now a days, all airways leave the fasten-seat belt sign on most of the time of the flight. So, best thing for you is to make sure that your boys go to the toilet few minutes after the plane takes off and just after any meal. Because meal is not served during turbulence. This way if there is a turbulence, your boys will remain seated right beside you. And no worries.    

  14. The flight attendents won't let them go when its too dangerous just  make them go every 1.5 hours or so when the sign is off.

  15. Yeah i would just go without. I mean endangering there lives? They'll survive.

  16. Make them go to the bathroom before you board the plane.  Then every so often, tell them to go to the bathroom while you are on the plane.  Just make sure they don't wait until the last second until they have to go.  Chances are, the 'fasten seat belt sign' won't be on all that much.  I lived overseas when I was 8 and never had to wear a diaper on the plane rides.  

  17. You have got to be kidding!!! You would actually force your children to wear diapers? I could see it if they were toddlers, but they are not. If you do that you will traumatize them and may even resent you for it later on, I sure would.

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