
Talking to my child about s*x???? NEED HELP?

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My daughter is almost 7 years old and recently started asking me about how babies are made and how they come out etc..

She also heard a friend talk about s*x at school and mentined it to me. Now I know its time to start explaning to her, as a child who asks is not to young to learn, but can anyone suggest to me age-appropriate methods of doing this. Maybe even some age-appropriate books or websites I can use.

I appreciate the help.




  1. Try to start with some old fairy tale. You tell them what your parents told you before.

    When they got up to 10 years old, you may preach them about Adam and Eve and the great cursing in Genesis 3.

    When they even get older, you some talk about biology and  body dynamic. Important is to bring them to the dynamic of this real world.

  2. my parents didnt tell me about it & i somehow found out on my own

  3. I never heard the "s*x talk" from my parents I learned on my own... The only thing they told me is not to get pregnant... and I would rather have heard from them then others.

    So you are doing good with telling your child.

    I would just tell her two married if you are married couple that decide to have a child so they have something beautiful and commit adultry. If she asks just say s*x. and then nine long months later they have a beautiful child. And the child is pushed out. and just leave it at that.

  4. There are many books which explain s*x to children in an appropriate way - I saw one called "A Child's Book of s*x" (I believe that was the title) that seemed appropriate for a pre-teen.

    Your daughter is almost seven? I think that's a little too early to be learning about s*x, to be honest.

  5. Well personally I never had 'the talk', and neither did my boyfriend. We just found out about it through other people, and also from school(though not much).

  6. I would say just take it easy, and put it simply. Don't force it on her all at once, but, just give her a little bit of info, and keep giving her more as she grows~

    I looked for websites, and that's basically what they all told me~ No diagrams or whatever, just info~ =P

    I guess like, if you can find a comic or something, it'd be fine, too~

  7. my mother told me to tell a child as much as they ask.. If they ask where babys come from and you say 'from there mommys' and they leave it at that, then leave it at that.  I they ask how does the mommy get the baby and you say 'from the daddy' and they leave it at that' then leave it at that.

    The more questions a child ask the more you tell them..

    Find out what her little friend in school told her and then go from there..

  8. My parents were very open with us, and I am in turn very open with my 3 sons.  The oldest is also 7.  I began talking to him before 2.  At 2 my son knew boys had penises and that is how you pee.  He also knew that girls did not.  I believe that it is a process, and the talks should happen many times over many years.  The content should be age appropriate.  

    My 7 yr. old knows that boys grow up to be dads, girls to be moms.  he knows penises for male and he knows testes, vaginas for female.  He knows that b*****s contain milk for breastfeeding when there is a new baby.  He knows babies grow in the womb.  He knows that women have eggs and that an egg is fertilized to make a baby.  He hasn't asked how the egg is fertilized so we haven't told him that men have sperm and it joins the egg.  He knows that the baby starts out as microscopic and then grows.

    During pregnancy we showed him pictues and told him oh the baby's heart is pumping, the baby is able to hear now etc.  He knows that the doctor takes out the baby for delivery.  He hasn't asked how.  He knows that he is half from dad, half from mom (DNA).  

    He even knows that he has green eyes from each of us and because mine are brown I have 2 genes 1 brown, 1 green, and that dad is blue and his 2 genes are 1 blue and 1 green.  He did ask well how come I have different eyes than you and dad because Joel has blue like dad, and Reed has brown like mom, why am I different?

  9. I believe that telling her all the truth would be the best answer she can get. Of course dont go into details but explain to her that when a male and female are in love they get together and make love. When a men releases a liquid called s***n and goes through a woman's body to form a baby. it takes 9 months for the baby to be completly formed so the baby can be born. Like I said, you dont have to go into details about how to make love, ect.

    If you lie about how its conceived, it just creates more confusion to your daughter and she will be hearing from other people or other kids and it will probably will be the wrong explanation. Gain her trust by answering her questions with the truth and she will always know that you wont lie to her. She will have no doubt about asking you something she really wants to know.

    Good luck.

  10. You are making it a bigger deal than she is.

    First she does not view s*x like you do or even care about it that much. She jus doesn't understand what it is.

    For example, if she asked you how a car works what would you tell her? Would you go read books on the subject and start explaining the inner workings of a internal combustion engine? No, why not? Or just say the basics like the engine make it go when I push the pedal and the steering wheel makes it turn brakes make it stop.

    I would suggest taking the same approach with s*x as you would with anything else. Give the detail a child needs, tell the truth and move on. It might be as simple as "when a man and woman love each other they have a baby together" That might be all the information she needs to go forward. She likely thinking about somethig else already anyway.

    My parents never told me and I thank them for sparing me the embarrasement of that. Not to mention who listens to their parents.

  11. My daughter is also 7, however has not asked yet.  Don't look at it as *sad* as you say that the times have changed and kids are asking earlier.  Things can't be the same as when we were kids, just like things weren't the same when our parents were young.  To our kids, this is normal.  Just look at it as different times not sad times.

    That being said, my mom explained s*x and puberty to me before I turned 10 and got my period - so probably like 8.  So, really 7 is NOT too young.   My mom gave me an age appropriate book which explained how a man and woman get together and the sperm and egg come together, blah, blah.  I was at an age where I could read, so I would read it alot by myself.  It explained things well.   I would suggest getting such a book and reading it together, while answering any of her questions.

  12. yes, children is not to young to learn before it's too late

    but can he/she understand it... :)

  13. You might need to, my parents were going to wait but then I just found out with alot of different things. So now they know I know...

  14. well im not sure at her age but when they are about ten and above you dont want to make it seem like there is a problem about it and you dont want to be like, you are trying to get into there business it makes them uncomfortable but dont take my word for it.

  15. Try this web site

    Or if you want to be more open go with this approach

  16. its to early but you can say when a daddy kisses the mummy then a a  baby take it in stages and when she a little older well......

  17. For the baby question, you can probably get by for now by just explaining how it grows inside a woman until birth and skip over the conception part. If that doesn't satisfy her curiosity, then you could explain a little more.

    When it comes to talking about s*x, you might want to find out what she knows (or thinks she knows) first. "A special hug between mommies and daddies" may be sufficient answer for now.

    At that age, I would stick with the simplest answer that satisfies her curiosity.

  18. First ask her what she wants to know. Typically its a one off question that's answered easily without further explanation -mainly b/c she won't know what to ask.

    Just be honest and clinical. Giving a hint of forbideness and sensuality will, just make her sexually repressed and that can lead to promiscuous behavior later on in life.

    Also, explain clearly (in a normal manner) what is aceppected and not aceppted in society. Don't "warn" her. Just talk to her as if explaining to a friend.

  19. Seven isn't too young to learn.  You can tell all the mechanics if you want, in a matter of fact way.  It's not that big of a deal. If you lived on a farm, she'd already have seen the process close up and personal.  The traditional approach is to limit the talk to making babies and not about how good s*x feels.  Anything that's beyond her grasp will just go in one ear and out the other (kids have built-in filters that protect them against things they're not ready for).

    Just try to confine yourself to her actual questions.  A little boy asked his father where he came from, and after the father gave a detailed explanation of s*x, the boy said, "Oh.  Billy said said he came from Cleveland."

  20. Before I answer this, I would ask about how your daughter is about other curiosities she may have? When she is curious, does she typically ask questions and listen intently as if she really understands? The reason that I start here is seven is an age where she may be asking simply to hear an answer instead of truly "knowing". If she does truly want to know, then the best thing to do is tell her. At this age, you should not go into detail about conception and the birthing process, but it does make sense to identify it for what it is. If you try to dance around it or lie about it, when she does learn more about it (from another source) it is likely that she will lose trust in your "knowledge"... Remember this, if you are straightforward with her (even at this young age) and you provide any information that she asks, it is likely that she will come to you in the future. That is a wonderful thing... If you are not sure exactly what you should say, there are many good books and websites available with parenting tips associated with s*x education. If you do a search for it, you will find a lot of resources. Good luck.

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