
Tall enough?

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Hey! I’m tall and skinny, but I’m concerned that I’m not tall enough, your opinion? I’m 5' 8" and I’m 111lbs, I’m a setter, and I’ve played for 3 years, but recently there have been concerns about my height, I thought that I was okay for my age and weight, but apparently I’m not, coaches have mentioned that I may not have a chance at try-outs, I mean, I made the toughest league in the state! But still, am I too short?




  1. 5'8 is a really strong height for a setter. I am 5'5 and I was about average. I was one of the tallest players on my team, not that it matters compared to everyone else. If you really think that you aren't tall enough, just keep practicing. If you show up for try-outs and show the coaches what you can do, there is no way they'll refuse if you just practice. Good luck!

  2. Well, you're not short lol, but if you're a good jumper and setter than it shouldn't matter what your height is..I'm 5'2! and I'm a really awesome setter (and player)

  3. okay im a 5'2 setter. and YES YOUR TALL ENOUGHT i come from a short family. and that s just my genes. if they have a problem with your height/weight...then be more determined to prove them wrong. i have made every vball team i tryed out for because im agressive and i never let the ball drop... DIVE for EVERYTHING... sprint when everyone stands still. its your ball and its your teem. take it and youll coach cant say no to your determination...if they dnt think ur tall enough for a setter then go for a passer. back row is shortie paradise lol i was back row specialist for 3 years and setter for two. and ur weight is nothing at all to be concerned about. u r to skinny if anything. to be a good athlete you need to be muscular... protein is an athletes best friend!

  4. It has more to do with ability and enthusiasm than height (look at basketball's Tyrone Muggsy Bogues).

    The most vigorous, challenging, and frustrating game I ever played was against a group of Japanese men, all of whom were shorter than my 5'8".  The game was a beach game in Okinawa and we lost miserably (and I was the shortest on our team).

  5. no way! im 5'1" and i play, but i play back row. you dont have to be tall at all to be setter or back row, so youre definitly fine!

  6. on my team theres a girl who is about 5' 8" and she's a varsity setter. they went to states and won

  7. If you're a setter it shouldn't matter your hieght. But you re fairly tall

  8. It sounds like the coaches may just be trying to light a fire under you.  Maybe they thought you were taking it a little to easy.  They have you worried and fired up.  

    You are not too short.  

    Good luck.

  9. If you're a setter then you don't need to be very tall... you just need good hands... maybe the coaches are trying to let you off on a more common bases rather than telling you you aren't skilled enough... but you sound skilled. I would say if you're like a backup setter/hitter... then work on your vertical jump... are trying out for college?

  10. i dont think your too short!! thats crazy! i play too. im like half a inch taller then you. and coaches think im tall enough. although being able to jump helpss alot!! so, if you can jump.. then no your DEFFFF. not 'too short' & it you cant jump that well. just work on your verticle. try vertimax. IT HELPS!

  11. you didn't indicate whether you've played at a high school or college level, or whether you plan on pursuing this after college.   That said, as long as you've got a decent vertical jump, I'd say you should be fine, though you might want to work on putting on a little more muscle - that's very thin for 5'8".   I'd recommend you work on getting up to around 130 to 135 lbs, but make sure it's muscle you're adding.

  12. No youre not too short...your a setter so youll be fine

  13. i'm 5'8'' at oh. it really depends on your vertival. my setters are both like 5'0'' or 5'1''. as long as you can get the bal up there. also your age group. like i'm 14's. but i'm fine for that.

  14. 5'8" is a good height for a setter or a libero. If you can jump high, and you're a great setter, it doesn't matter how tall you are. The setter for the University of Texas is only 5"10. Another option is Libero.

  15. Well how old are you? I played volleyball in high school and college and I was considered short and Im 5'11''. I worked hard in practice and also did a lot of jumping drills to increase my vertical. I was jumping right there with the girls on my team that were 6'2'' and 6'3''. Keep working hard! Others may discourage you because of your height but if you work hard I promise it will pay off!

  16. you would really help if you told us if you were a guy or a gal

  17. It all depends on how good you are.

    Maybe your not tall enough, but you can still be really good

  18. weight really doesnt matter. 5'8'' is tall since i dont know how old you are but dont fret you have 3 yrs expirience and skills matter more then height

  19. umm are you a guy???

  20. heck yes ur tall enuff!! im 13, 5'2, and have been playing volleyball for 3 years and im baller!!! lol my bffs, play volleyball 2 and 1 is 5'2 1/2 and is awesome! and the 2 others r 5'4 and 5'6 and they r awesome 2!!!!

  21. your height shouldn't be a huge problem if you are a good player-that is what counts.

    did the coaches say you might not have a chance at tryouts because of your height ?

    it sounds to me like you are a great vball player.

    also it depends on your age, how old are you ?

    i hope you make the team :]

    happy holidays !


  22. Yea i believe your tall enough cuz im a setter at my high skool && im only 5ft ((if that)) Out here where i live we dont have no 6 2 girls all of our girls are like 5 8 and such and we kicked a$$ !!!

  23. no way! dude i play volleyball and i am 5 2, if you really really want it and if volleyball is your passion than stick to it. dont let anyone tell you otherwise! and you just go to tryouts and blow them all away and prove them all wrong. there is no better feeling than going in and making ppl think that they are inferior to you and just going in and CRUSHING THEM!!! you can do it! proove them wrong.

  24. if people make fun of you don't listen size do's not matter

  25. Does it really matter?

  26. Hey it doesnt matter how tall you are as long as you can kick butt out there! who cares?!?!?

  27. i dont think your short for it im 5'1 and i play

  28. 5'8???? 5'8 is tall! No, it isn't 6'2, but it IS tall. I believe the coaches are missing a few cards. I am 5'4 and a half and people think I'm middle- tall.

  29. They told my cousin that she was too tall to be a setter but she is a great middle hitter.

    She is just getting used to not having the ball on the second ball.

    It's pretty funny sometimes but I still think that any height is ok for the position. But, I've only played for about a year so idk...

  30. well you're tall enough for this kind of league and you're a setter but if you want to get higher, you better be tall. Just look at the US volleyball team, their setter is 6' 4" and I'm 6' 5" middle-block (still growing though). Crazy! their setter for god's sake

  31. ur tall enough 4 a setter not a hitter and it depends on ur age
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