I am located in central NJ and I have a bit of a problem with how a neighbor maintains his property, or rather, DOESNT maintain his property. Junk everywhere, a god awful looking shed etc etc. Anyway, we are restricted because a tall pine tree shades the entire area we want to plant in.
We have a back deck that overlooks his yard and we really are sick of looking at all of it, however the back deck is about 8 feet from the fence line. We already have a 6 foot fence being put in in the next couple weeks, but we want some sort of tall plant that will block out his yard. We want something that will grow to be tall and quickly. It must be able to be planted in close proximity to a pine tree and do well with minimal sunlight. Something that is tall but not too wide would be nice, there are currently two giant "fire bushes" i believe the are called, however they are just getting way too overgrown and are overhanging too much into the yard, so we need to replace them.
Any ideas?