
Tall or short...........?

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ok, so how likely is it that an adult male only 5' 11" could play either beach volleyball or indoor volleyball professionally? let's just assume this guy is an amazing player with a big vertical. would his height keep him off an olympic team?




  1. I hate how vball requires soo much with height.

    5'11 is pretty ******* tall. How the heck are people 6'6"? thats unnatural

  2. Regarding indoor, height alone wouldn't keep someone off a team.  This is only because the libero position gives no advantage to taller players.  While there's no set height requirement for hitters, you'll most likely never be a professional hitter at your height.  Players with amazing talent and vert at 5'11" still don't hold water to players with amazing talent and vert at 6'5".  

    In the 2008 Olympics, there were fewer than 5 non-libero players listed under 6' tall on rosters.  My guess is that they are backup liberos.  (The FIVB rosters include only one libero per team).  

    Regarding Beach, I think you've got a greater chance.  There's small amounts of money to be made in semi-pro open tournaments, and if you can really pass, hit, and play smart, and dig everything AND you have a partner who's tall and puts up a huge block, AND he's got great hands,  Then you could be in business.  I've seen the little guy who can jump through the roof do very well in open tournaments with a huge partner.

    If you're looking to the bigger tours, AVP and FIVB.  I'd say you're also in a similar category to the indoor game.  I'm guessing less than 3 percent of players who consistently play on the tours are less than 6' tall.

    So if the Olympics are you goal, you better be a heck of a libero.

  3. No. Height doesn't matter if you are a great volleyball player.

  4. i wish i was 5'11"...

  5. It is definitely possible. Your height might affect what position the coach is willing to put you in. It ultimately depends on your overall skills. There is a man on the U.S. Men's National Volleyball team right now that is 5' 10". He is a Libero, of course. But I suppose if a man was 5' 11" and had great skills and had a 40" vertical or greater, then a front row position is possible.

    But, in reference to your general question, no, I don't believe height, in and of itself, will keep you off of a team. The decesion will have to do more with your playing ability and ability to play with your teammates.

  6. that person would be a great blocker for the team. height is always needed for good blocking and spiking.

  7. sorry, you are too short (as am I) I am 5'10" with that 40 inch vertical and actually played middle at Uni and club levels.  The challenge is time. The time it takes to set a block on the first hitter, come down go across and set a block for the second is micro seconds too slow.  Someone at 6'6" does not have to jump for the first block .  Add to that wingspan means that you cannot cover as much of the net or court as that same 6 1/2 footer. Did it stop me from playing competitive ? No, I played for 20 odd years but it did stop me from even trying out for the national team and these days would probably keep me off a University team.    

  8. Its possible, but its kind of short compare to olympians who play vb

  9. Yeah, I wish I was 5'11". I"m only 5' 6".

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