
Tama Question: HeLp PlEaSe?

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ok i just put new batteries in my tama V4 a few days ago and now its 4 and has a job, is it old enough to have the matchmaker come, or old enough to get married to my friends tama? if you know any thing else about V4 thats helpful like cheatcodes please tell me i want to know EVERYTHING thank you very very much i appreciate it=]




  1. Your tama has to be atleast 5 or 6 for the matchmaker to come and also to get married to your friend's tama.

  2. it is old enough to marry your friend's tama! But the match maker comes when it is 6 years old.

    http://www/  is an awesome tama site with EVERYTHING u need to know about tamas.

    but here are some quick tips:

    Here are some V4 hints and tips:

    1. Use your Tama as an alarm clock!

    Set the time before you go to bed so the fortune cookie mail arrives at approximately the time you want to get up next morning (the fortune cookie mail arrives 1 minute after your Tama wakes up. It will beep long enough). For example, if you have a Mametchi that wakes up at 8am but you want to get up at 7, set the clock 1 hour forward. Keep it close to your pillow and LEAVE THE SOUND ON! For ppl who take their Tams 2 bed with them. If you get up at really hectic times like 7:20 or 6:45 it might require some mathematical calculation xD

    2.Raising friendship levels

    Finding it hard to raise friendship levels? The bouquet/ring/chocolate you receive from the king is the key! You can also get the chocolate in the shop on February 18-20. When your fortune cookie has 3 stars for love, the king will send you a bouquet or ring some time during the day. If you wrap and give it to another Tama, your friendship will increase by one level on the gift receiver's friend list, unless both Tamas are of the same gender or not yet adults and the friendship level is already four faces. Do so repeatedly, sending the gift to each other until their friendship is at desired level (if both Tamas are adults at or over the age of 4 and are of different genders, they can mate at only four faces, not necessarily four hearts). If your Tama who is giving the present cannot use the present function because it says 'sorry list full', when you connect, press button B into connect on the Tama receiving the present first on present, and for the giver, either 'game' or 'visit' would be fine, it would end up as present. You do NOT have to press button B on it because it will automatically connect. This also works with chocolate but only once.

    3. Hidden hungry/happy hearts

    Every Tama has two hidden hearts after their visible four, which means if your stats are full, you can still feed your Tama two meals before it refuses to eat any more. Sometimes when you time out your Tama, it will lose a happy heart, but other times you wouldn't. Many believe that it is due to the training level, but it is actually because sometimes, its invisible hearts are filled in, and other times they aren't, so sometimes you will be emptying one of the invisible hearts. So, a Tama actually has 6 hearts, not 4!

    4. Keys to happiness

    Feeding the character's favourite food or steak will fill out two happy hearts, feeding turkey will fill three, and yoghurt will fill four. I'm not yet sure about the cake. Also, if you let it go to the toilet before it poops on the ground (when it has the ~s on its sides), it fills out two happy hearts, but if you don't and let it p**p, the happy hearts will empty out one.

    5. Difference between a glitch and a programming error

    A glitch is something caused usually by unexpected errors in the system after manufacturing, such as the matchmaker glitch and a ball glitch. But things like Ichigotchi weighing 0 lb and all the happy hearts emptying out after receiving points from the lamp (trust me this is not a glitch it happened to all 3 of my Tamas), those are programming errors caused simply by Bandai's workers' carelessness or deliberate actions. So don't worry if you get a little strawberry who starts shaking her head to games when she's 2 lbs - it'll be the same if you try every other Tama in the world! P.S. Ura Violetchi on V4.5 can go down to 0 lb because Bandai programmed everything for her except the image exactly the same as Ichigotchi.

    6. Matchmaking gender and character

    From my experience, the character the matchmaker brings to you can affect the gender of the baby. For example, whenever I marry my Tama to a universal or Meme family female, I always get a baby girl, but when I marry a Meme or Kuchi family male, I always get a baby boy. My theory has not been proven, so you are welcome to provide me more info about this particular topic. (Plus the A and B method doesn't work for me, nor does the theory that if you press when the matchmaker's mouth is open/closed you will get a girl/boy)

    7. Sickness during raising babies

    Many Tama owners complain about unexpected deaths, and they often die after they had a baby, but before they leave their baby to 'fend for themselves'. Sickness is usually the answer. A parent Tamagotchi will get sick at least once during the time they are looking after their children, unless they are paused a lot during the day or put on sleep most of the time. They will pass away in a short length of time if they are not given medicine. So, when your Tama has a baby, keep the sound on to hear it beep for healing!

    and codes:

    All of the V4 shop codes:

    (please note, code are in the following order; Code=what it gives you=points needed to buy after first time entering in gp (gp=gotchi points))

    1. BBCA CCCA= Pen= 15,000gp (found in US V4 instruction sheet)

    2. ACAB ACAC= Steak= 1,400gp

    3. BAAB ACBA= !! (clone)= 14,000gp

    4. CCBA AABB= Honey (love potion)= 7,000gp

    5. CAAA BACB= CD3= 0gp

    ~If you enter all five shop codes, the last code you enter will not give you what the code is for! Instead, it will give you a RARE CELL PHONE. If you would still like to get the last item from the last code, you will have to re-enter the code and buy it. I recommend entering the code for "CD3" last because it is free!

    How to enter shop codes? Quoting from the V4 instruction sheet:

    Did you find a secret code?

    At the shop counter screen, press (A).

    Then, press (A) quickly three times. When

    the shop owner's face appears surprised, punch in

    the secret code to reveal a new item.

    [Note: A = left button, B = middle button, C = right button]

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