
Tamale tips?

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I was browsing the net for tamale recipes and my biggest concern is how people prepare the masa for tamales. Some recipes require mixing it in w/ grits and most recipes say lard, how do you people prepare it? I found one recipe that i like because all you mix together is chicken broth, baking powder, masa, corn oil and salt.




  1. Exactly the recipe you like is what I know most of the hispanic ladies use around here. The chicken broth ect. That is exactly the recipe and easy and more healthy for you. That lard is just icky!!! So have fun making them. MMMMM. Good luck.

  2. Lard makes everything so much tastier, but unfortunately not healthier. Go for the other choice. The big bummer about tamales is not the masa, but spreading the masa on the cornhusk, I suggest you buy the masa tamal masa spreader, which is an American invention, you can look it up in the internet, because it is normally done with a spoon and that takes a long time, enough to try anyone's patience.

  3. try a look at this;...

  4. hello most of your grocery store like walmart carry already

    made masa just as good as you can make and lot less

    messer, also faster.  it will be where the cheese sticks

    cream cheese section is, just ask some one
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