
Taming a new, very scared Quaker Parrot?

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I just recently got a new Quaker Parakeet from the pet store. I'm trying to tame it, but it seems scared to death of me. The first day, it panicked all over the place, jumping off tables, running into things, flapping all over etc. just to get away from me. I couldn't open the box they put him in without him jumping out and flapping to the nearest dark corner. I've tried the towel technique, and he's the perfect angel when he's on his back in a towel. However, the minute I set him down he goes running/flapping away from me as fast as he can. Is there any way I can prevent this?




  1. Birds are very shy. You are new to him and everything around him is new.

    1. put him in his cage in a Conner of a very busy room, where he can watch everything, but does not have to be a part of it. Where he will feel safe and secure.

    2. Go down to the grocer store and buy some shelled unsalted sunflower seeds. Carry these around with you when ever you are home.

    3. Remove all the sunflower seeds from his dish, he will never again get a sunflower seed unless it comes from your hand.

    4. Ever time you see him pop a seed in his mouth, it will not take him long and he will be your best buddy, a week or maybe two...

    Keep in mind that Quakers are cage aggressive, that is their nature. You need to get him away from his cage before you play with him.

  2. we have 3 quakers, and I've had to tame every one of them. Quakers can be nervous little guys, so you need to gain his trust. He should probably have a few days or so adjusting to his new surroundings. A new environment and a new owner is alot for a bird to digest. I always let mine alone and just spent time near their cages talking, and handing them treats. It may take a week or a couple weeks for him to allow you to touch him. Grabbing him or forcing him to come out and using the towel right now is just upsetting him and causing him anxiety when he is already freaked out. Sometimes it just takes time and you have to go slow with them. Quakers are awesome though and they are highly communal birds...he will want to interact with you soon are his new "flock"!

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