
Tampon problem help?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i am sorry if parts of this may sound gross but idk.


i started my period yesterday and i put in a tampon as one would normally do while on their period.

i went to sleep and i woke up to take it out this morning and i couldnt find it. and i mean i stuck my finger pretty far up there looking for it. and i am starting to worry. because i dont remember taking it out last night. well anyway i havent tried putting in another one yet. but i didnt have any noticable bleeding until about 6 hrs after i tried to take it out.

this has never happened and i have been using tampons for years. i dont know what i should do. if it was in there still then shouldnt i be able to find it in there somewhere. what should i do??

i am 17 btw.




  1. It's embarrassing, but a friend of mine had a situation where she couldn't find her tampon and she had to go to the doctor to get them to take it out.  I would be VERY worried if I were you - you need to seek IMMEDIATE medical attention and get the tampon taken out by a professional.  Like I said, you may be embarrasses, but it's NOT safe to just wait, and find it a week later!!!  It may be stuck WAY up high inside you where you can't reach.  I guess next time you'll use a pad when you go to sleep?  GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. There isn't any possible way that it could have got lost inside you, so either it's still in there or it fell out/you took it out. Look through anywhere you could have put it and check your bed just in case. If you can't find it, it must be in there. You do need to get it out if it is, as it is dangerous to have a tampon inside you for more than 8 hours.

    Try using a mirror or something, and try to find the string on the tampon. If you still can't find it maybe you should go to the doctors.

    Good luck.

  3. All the other answers given were viable, however, the most important was from the lady who said NEVER sleep with a tampon.  I have a daughter your age and I have always advised her to change at night and sleep with an Always pad (or similar).  This is not a scare tactic, but several years ago there was a condition called Toxic Shock Syndrome caused by tampons being left in too long.  The symptoms were similar to flu i.e. raised temperature, fever etc, and can be serious.  If you do not have these symptoms then you appear OK.  However, as a mother please be careful and change your tampons every few hours, or as and when your flow needs it, and use a pad at night.  The fact that you didn't notice any bleeding for about 6 hours after could simply be your body does the 'stop and start' method.  Many women have it.  They think they've stopped and come to the end of their period but start again a hours or a day later.  Annoying I know, but we are all different - not many women are 'regular'.  If it happens again and you are scared, go to your GP immediately.  Better to be embarrassed than ill.  Hope this helps.

  4. First of all, do you use the tampons with the strings, that should give you a clue. Look for the string.

    My problem is that you are sleeping with a tampon in, you should not sleep overnight with a tampon in, you need to wear a pad. You should also be changing your tampon, depending on how much you are bleeding every 2-4 hours on a regular basis. You are opening yourself up to some serious consequences, the vaginal cavity needs to have air and a time for the blood to flow naturally to rid the body of its own body fluids.

    If you have a boyfriend you can ask him to take a look in there with a flashlight, but your best bet would be to go to the doctor to make sure you do not have one stuck up in there.  Good luck with this one.

  5. well you're never supposed to sleep with a tampon in...

    so ya good luck...

  6. try looking with a hand  mirror. if u still can't find it try looking in the garbage to see if u just took it out before going to sleep

  7. I have freaked out about "losing" as tampon in me before and I had actually either forgotten to put one in or taken it out already... If you have put in your whole finger and can't find it, you probably took it out.  The only other option would be the tampon you used did not have a string, at which point you will need someone to help you get it out.  (I'd recommend a professional heath care person, I'm sure this is not the first time they have seen such a thing.)  It isn't like the tampon can get lost in you, its either there or you took it out.

    Also, to the person who said you're never supposed to sleep with a tampon in:  you either made that up or someone lied to you.

  8. go to the doctor and theyll take it out for happened b4 to other girls and they went to the doctor to take it out

  9. maybe you did take it out and you didnt know. try looking for it again. maybe call your doctor or go to the emergency room.  

  10. You really shouldn't sleep with tampons in. Case in point. Plus you could get TSS from the bacteria in tha tampon. If you still can't find it, then go to the emergency room.

  11. It may have gone up there.  ive heard of a different  situation anywho  the girl found it like a week later?  but if you have anyy pain go to the  doctor and get checked out.. or if your just scared  i would reccomend going to  having someons look for it.

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