
Tampon question!!!!!!!???????/?

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ok well they say to change a tampon every 2-4 hours but what if my flow is lighter and at 4 hours it wont even fill it up that much just a little do i still ahve to change it ? cause i dont want to get tss




  1. u can keep tampons in for 8hrs if u need to ie if ur asleep. they give u the 3hr warning to cover their back. if ur bleeding is very light then buy tampons for lighter bleeds. yes this can be annoying as u dont know how heavy u will bleed but if your worried this mite be the best option. or u could wear a pad...???

    good luck

  2. First of get a light days tampon, I like the tampax pearl lites. And second you should change your tampon every 4-8 hours not 2-4. Hope this helps.

  3. i guess you could keep it in idk i herd people like that where pads???? idk i dont have mine yet srry

  4. its safer to change it so i would say yes you can leave it in a little longer just  not over 8 hours!

  5. yes you should change its when the blood starts to go funny, and can be prone to infection, no matter how much there is on there... if you cba... use a longer lasting night one..

  6. if your flow is THAT light, you probably shouldnt be using a tampon, it sounds like a panyliner would do.  I wouldnt keep a tampon in more than 4 hours because bacteria can gather on the string and cause problems...

  7. I would change just for hygiene purposes. Fresh, know what I mean?

  8. You can try the up to 8 hours suggestions. I would switch to a smaller tampon b/c I know how much it hurts to pull out a dry tampon!

  9. Its actually safe to keep one in for up to 8 hours if you have to (like if you sleep with one in). If its not filling up then you can leave it in longer then 4 hours. If your not comfortable doing that then you might just need a smaller size since your flow is lighter. Its actually more dangerous to use one that is too absorbent for your flow then to keep one in past 4 hours.  

  10. Technically, you're suppose to be able to leave a tampon in for up to 8 hours, but just remember that 8 hours is the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM! The reason that a lot of people will tell you 2-4 hours, is because the longer you leave it in (even under the 8 hour envelope), the more likely you are to get TSS. Another thing that contributes to TSS is the absorbency level of your tampon. The higher absorbency it has, the more likely you are to get TSS. So go with the smallest absorbency that you can possibly use, and if that means you have to change your tampon more often, that's okay. If you need to, wear a panty-liner under it just in case, but you should be okay if your period is that light.

    Also, even if you are using the smallest absorbency you can find, but still don't fill it up in 4 hours, change it anyways. I know that it sometimes hurts to pull out a dry tampon, but compare that little bit of discomfort to what you would go through if you got TSS.

    Good luck! I hope I helped you!!!

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