
Tampon <span title="question???????????????????">question?????????????????...</span>

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ok well i got tampons yesturday and i was wondering how you dispose of them? like how you yourself?




  1. Never flush a tampon.  What I do is roll them up in toilet paper, and throw them away.  You can even wrap them up in the wrapper of the new tampon, and sometimes a little toilet paper as well.  This way no one has to see it, and it&#039;s not plugging up the toilet.  :)

  2. I flush the actual absorbant part and when I open a new one I put the applicator back in the plastic and throw it away

  3. you throw the plastic in the trash and when yerr done with the tampon you flush it down the toilet  

  4. never flush the plastic part or the tampon! I did this when I was younger and the plumber pull all my old nasty tampons out the drain to untop it. It was awful.  Roll it up in toliet paper and throw it away.

  5. I flush them because I have powerful toilets and city sewer. If you have a septic tank you dont want to flush them, they can clog the system. Just wrap them in paper and throw them in the trash.  

  6. you can either flush them down the loo....they will break up like toilet tissue or if you wanted you can put them in a disposable nappy/diaper sack and throw it in the bin...either way is fine...and thanks to Girl for her wonderfully helpful answer of was really helpful!

    P.s I am a woman...this is our log on with my husbands photo on.

  7. Magic.

  8. ?? I am confused by you last question. But you do not flush them, you wrap then in A  LOT of toilet paper and place them in a garbage.

    But honestly you should NOT be using tampons... Why because it restricts you from having a natural flow, and properly cleaning you out as your mentrual is meant to do. It also drys you out as well...  

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