
Tampon string broke ??

by  |  earlier

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Heya i need some advice. I thought the string on my tampon broke last night but being foolish and very tired i ignored it and went to bed deciding i'll sort it in the morning. so this morning ive been online looking for help to get it out, and ive tried allsorts and everything and it doesnt seem to be there, so maybe it did all come out last night, but honestly im still not sure and im quite worried i dont want to get an infection or toxic shock if it is still there, other than going to the docs (as i dont want to bother anyone if it did all come out) what can i do to be sure its not there??

any helpful answers would be appriciated.





  1. the tampon physically cannot 'disappear' inside you any further than into the vaginal capity where it is put when you insert it in the first place.

    get into the sqatting position and have a feel around down there, if you can't feel anything then it isnt in there.

    now to the more pressuring question....

    where HAS it gone? that could be embarrassing...

    you will be fine anyway, the materials tampons are made from today make it very difficult to get TSS. plus, if you have looked already today and not found anything, then you cant have something from a problem that doesnt exist.

    the tampon isn't still inside you, stress less.

    most of this information can be found on the booklet inside any box of tampons you buy. including removing it if you break the string.

    happy searching :)

  2. Yuck and funny at the same time. you should stick ur finger in a plastic bag or condom lubricate it and look 4 it inside ur vaginaa. you can try 2 push it out like ur giving birth 2 a baby.  that sucks! how embarrasing it would be if u had 2 go 2 the doctor to get a tampon out of ur cooch! lol

  3. You need to go and see a doctor, just incase. It's better to be safe than sorry.  

  4. you should go to the doctor, you want to know one way or another as soon as possible, the doctor wont think it's a bother.

  5. If you squat down, then bear down a little you will be able to feel with your finger whether or not it is still in there. And please DON'T put tweezers up there like some suggested!!!!  

  6. Even with no string, you should be able to reach your tampon from a squatting positions. Relax your muscles. Its harder to remove it when you're tense. You can use a mirror to help you. If you still have no luck, you should go to the ER and they will be able to help you further. Good luck, keep trying.

  7.      The only way to find out is to go to the ER- they will look in there and see.  If it is in there, they have special instruments to pull it out.   This happens more than you think.  Don't take a risk of getting TSS or sepsis

  8. the only way to be sure you are okay is to go to the emergency room.

    i dont think there are at home remedies you can use for this type of situation.


  9. Ah, you should be able to reach in and grab hold and remove it.  If thise fails, have a friend try to remove it...Or go to see a doctor or nurse, if this is not feasable.  Last resort, go to the ER. Godd Luck!

  10. no ways its not embarasing 2 c d DOC as Albert is sayin,jus go get help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. you should never keep a tampon in for moer than 4 hrs let alone sleep with it in you. pretend liek your pushing a baby oout. or get some tweezers and try pulling it out that way
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