
Tampons? Help please?

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My birthday party is tommorow, and I got my period two weeks early tonight. I need to wear a tampon because we're going to swim. I don't have any though. I'm with my dad this weekend, but I have to see my mom anyway. How should I go about this?




  1. You want Tampax plastic applicator. The cardboard ones are hard to insert. Make sure the Tampon goes all the way in. If it hangs out a bit, it will irritate you.

    Playtex are great except the applicator is fatter and when you are as young as you are, this can hurt.

    Tampax also makes cardboard applicators and those don't slide as easily as the plastic. You would have to put something like vaseline on the cardboard if it didn't go in.

    As for size, you should probably get the slender or regular size if you are a virgin.  You may have to change it more frequently, but the larger sizes are harder to insert.

    There are tiny cotton pads made for make-up removal.  Sometimes I just tuck one of those in the folds on the outside, so if the tampon leaks, the cotton pad catches it.

  2. im 14 and i have the same problem sometimes.

    my mum usually puts them in her bathroom cupboard and tells me to take what i need, maybe you should ask her to do that too.

    say to your dad : Dad i need to nip in to the store for a minute. if he asks why, just say "i need to get a fer female products"he should be fine with it!

    or if your still shy call your mum and ask her to bring you some stuff before the party.

    happy birthday!

  3. i suggest doing it yourself. just say dad i need to get some personal stuff at the store. get Tampax and if you are young and small get the jr size. its the pink ones i think. or just get the regulars thats the yellow ones. good luck. dont buy the cheap generic brand because they may fall apart on you. good luck

  4. Tampax or Playtex are the best... go for the "regular" size if you've never used them before and you can eventually work up to the "super" size for when you are on a heavy flow.  Or you can just buy the box that contains both sizes and decide for yourself depending on your comfort level.  

    Anyhow, my girls are 16 and 13 and they both use tampons and it's no big deal.  You should feel free to ask either your mom or dad to take you to the store or just pick you up whatever you need.  Trust me... your dad has been married and involved with woman... so I'm sure there is a time in life when he has had to already do the deed of running out for personal supplies!  It's just part of life... but if you're really worried maybe you can call your grandma or a neighbor to take you to the store without any questions.

    Anyhow, make sure you have enough money... they will run you about $4/box plus tax (give/take).  Best bet is to have your mom bring some with her to the party though.

    Have fun and happy birthday!

  5. I know its awkward but your dad knows what a period is...and and your mother had to deal with one before you were conceived. lol. However I understand if its awkward.

    If you want to sneek it..which I tried for many years until I realized my dad had to change the trash anyways. But if you want to Tampons that are slender, and or for sport. Both are perfect for your situation.

    Good luck.

  6. I know it's embarrassing, I've had to tell my dad before :s

    Just casually drop it into conversation and say, "I need to get some tampons today from the store." Believe me, it won't be as bad as you think - if you don't make it embarrassing, it won't be. Say it in a clear voice, bright and just say it. You'll b fine :)

  7. I think Tampax gentle glide is the best. I remember being sooooo afraid of using tampons and I tried the gental glide and haven't tried anything else since. I would try talking to your mom for the simple fact that she is a woman, and has probably experienced the same issues. This Tampax pearl that these people are talking about isn't that great. The cotton Is longer, so it feel really weird when you pull it out.

  8. Tampax is a good popular brand. Both your parents are aware what a "period" is and will know that you being a female can not avoid getting a period. So just tell mom or dad that you need tampons because you want to swim at your party. You may feel uncomfortable asking them, but just get it over with....they will think nothing of it. Good luck.

  9. Go with Playtex.  If you're small down there, go with Playtex Slimfits (and, if your period is light - you may need regular size tampons if you have heavier periods).  I don't like the Tampax brand - I find them uncomfortable and somewhat painful.  They have like a "mushroom" top - not very comfortable.  Happy Birthday!  Best wishes!

  10. Call your mom and ask her to come early and to bring you some that are Slender Regular.  They are thinner and made for young girls. The Tampax Pearl ones are easy to insert.

    Or, confide in your dad and tell him what you need.  He might be a little embarrassed but he does know that women get a period.  He will probably drive you to the store and give you the money while he waits in the car.

  11. listen your dad should know that you are a young girl and need help from time to time dealing with you're cycle. If he cares he shouldn't be phased by that its natural.When i was 12 I got my period 3 months after my mom died and i had to go to my dad It was certaintly embarrassing but you know what i think he appreciated it for me coming to him and asking him to buy me tampons or when he goes to get your cake insist on coming along and split up buy them and when he asks what is in the bag just say personal items. He will know but he shouldnt question. I'm 19 my dad has been buying my pads and tampons since i was 12 untill i moved out last year and hasnt asked any questions. In fact i used the excuse i needed tamons to get money from him a few times i know evil and devious but that was when i was younger.

  12. I know you feel it is embarrassing to buy tampons, especially with your dad.  However believe it or not your dad will not have a problem with this.  I was in your shoes once- my parents divorced and I spend weekends with my dad.  I would just say that you need to go to the grocery store and go down the aisle and get them.  I would suggest playtex gentle glide, they have a plastic applicator and they work well.  Honestly though a tampon is a tampon so any will work.  :)  good luck

  13. I know it may be awkward, but you still need to ask.

    Just go up to your dad and say something along the lines of, "Dad, can you drop me off at the store? I need to get some tampons." Don't be embarrassed.

    1) He's your dad, he'll understand.

    2) He knows what periods are, and what tampons are. Again, he'll understand.

    Pretty much any brand is fine, although I recommend one with a plastic applicator. They're much easier to use. Make sure to get the Super ones since you will be in the water. Also, make sure to change it every few hours.

    Good luck!

  14. I know this is difficult - I picked my mom in the divorce when I was your age because I couldn't imagine asking Dad for girl stuff -

    Tell him you need the girl stuff and you rather go in yourself and get the items along with your cake -

    If you insist on getting the cake alone with no explaination he will be upset/confused why you are acting this way.

    Good Luck.

  15. Just either A) ask your dad if he can take you to the store, and when he ask what you need...tell him need "girly things" believe me he wont ask questions, and will give $20bucks and will more than likely let you keep the change.

    B) tell your mom that you started early and ask what ur supposed to do, cuz u want to swim, and she will suggest tampons, and prob offer to buy them for you.

    I prefer tampax pearl,

    Happy Birthday, and have fun!

  16. When you're having your period, it will not flow when you are in the water, so keep a towel handy yo wrap around your waste.

    a better idea "Dad i gotta go to the store, girls stuff"  If he doesn't get it it's not his fault.  Can you Mom call him?

    When my daughter had her first period, he took her on a date, and gave her a little make up bag with lotions, q-tips, lip gloss, girl stuff. No feminine hygiene product, but he did tell her "Mom told me your body is growing up"  and I want to let you know if you need me to go to the store  or if your having a problem, i will help without questions of questions.

    This will really impress your Daddy, he will really fee; loved.

    I wish your Mom had told him.  Lesson learned. new at your periods makes then irregular, so be prepared or have something in your room at his house.

    Hope that helps Good luvk, don't dweat it either, go to the party and have a great time.

  17. Ok, first don't listen to anyone telling you that it won't flow in the water. IT CAN AND IT WILL!

    Secondly, I certainly never wanted to tell MY Dad I needed stuff like that, whether I said specifics or not. Since your birthday party is going on I'm sure there will be other girls there; one of them is bound to have a tampon. If not, see if someone will go get some for you or can otherwise get one for you. It's your birthday - milk it! No one will want you to not be able to swim because of your period.

  18. So embarrassing I know .  I remember when I was first using tampons What I did was I got them at the store myself took them home and practised. I had no idea what I was doing but it was not hard.  At first weird but I got the hang of it.  

    You could talk to your mom but if you are like me and too embarrassed just get them yourself.  

    I think the best ones are Playtex and the plastic ones glide in best so they are easy to use.

    Good luck and happy birthday hope this does not ruin it.

  19. I would go with calling your mom and asking her to bring some with her.  She can even like, put them in her purse or something so she doesnt show up at ur bday with a box of tampons. [:

    Even if you tell your dad you need to get some "stuff" at the store, and insist its just "stuff"... He'll probably get the hint that its tampons and let you on ur way.  Don't worry about it.  Its super weird talking to ur dad about this kind of stuff the first time, but eventually they learn that "I need stuff at the store" is usually code for "dont ask dont tell."  

    Good luck!

    Happy Birthday!

  20. well to b honest i dont recommend you to used tampons especially cus u berly got ur period but t b honest idk wat brand is good 4r dat cus im 17 and i dont ware tampons and never will alot of accidents can happen with that  i know you want to go swimming but its not good to used tampons on a early age.. i actually was on my period once when i went to the pool i didnt ware nothing just a pad but stayed in the pool only 4r like 30 mins cus you feel it when u drip again so who knows you might get luky and the time your at the pool you wont be drippin and wont have ot used one=]

  21. I understand, when I got my first period when I was 11 my mom was away on a business trip. I HAD to tell my dad that I started and needed some pads. it was so embarrassing but its ok. he knows all about it. I would recomend the tampax pearl ones. they are silky and go in so easily. they are the most comfortable ones Ive ever tried! good luck oh and btw happy birthday!!!

  22. IMO, the best brand of tampons are Playtex Gentle Glide in regular (for the middle to ending days of your period) or super (for the first two days). They really do "gently glide" (pun intended) into the v****a easily leaving no apparent feeling of a tampon (unlike Tampax tend to do). They are plastic as opposed to a cardboard applicator so it inserts and ejects with ease. Good luck hiding...but he's your Dad, so I'm sure he'll understand that his little girl has her period. It may be that tI'me to have "the talk" with im, any way, good luck!

  23. Look there is nothing embarrasing about a period. People arent even going to think twice about you coming through the check out line with tampons. Ask your Dad to take you to the store and get some tampons. Any brand is going to work just as well as the next. But you should atleast get a regular absorbency and a super if you are really heavy. I prefer to get the multi pack, it has light/ regular/ and heavy all in one box. This way you have everything you might need. And when you go through a check out look for a woman cashier. This might ease your fears a little more. It would also be a good idea to call your mom. She will give you all the important info you will need. Dont forget you need to change your tampon every four hours. And do not leave it in over night. And dont worry the tampons come with instructions.

  24. oh wow. that happened to be.

    but i was going to go to wet n wild for the first time. lol


    you can just say to your dad if you want to "uh dad, i need to go to the store and get some girly stuff. if you know what i mean."

    he won't question it becasue guys are disgusted by periods:D

    and to deal with your mother.



    i have my period

    i really want to go siwming tomorrow

    can i use a tampon?


    be sure to change it when you need to though.

    i forgot to at wet n wild:[

  25. There is no reason you can't just tell your dad you need to go get some tampons.  He can handle it.   if you have to see your mom anyway, and are more comfortable going with her, then do that.  

    Every woman has a period - it's NOT a big deal.  At 13 I'm sure it feels embarassing, but seriously - it's something all women go through.  Don't stress about it.

  26. Well, as embarrassed as you may feel, I am sure your father is aware of you getting a period and would absolutely have no problem purchasing tampons for you so you can enjoy your birthday party!  If you are still not able to ask your dad, would it be possible to call your mom and have her ask your dad?  or have her bring you some tampons?     Have fun at the party.

  27. just ask your mom or dad for some. it's no big deal! every woman gets a period! and your dad understands it. i know that when you first get your period, it's a big secret and a little embarrassing to talk about..but it's very normal! don't be afraid to ask for something you need! good luck! =]

    an amazing brand of tampons is Playtex Gentle Glide. they are really good at stopping leaks! don't get the cheap brand with the cardboard applicators..idk about you, but the cardboard grosses me out! haha.

    happy birthday!
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