
Tampons hurt me! ?

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I was trying to put a tampon on for the first time and it hurt SO BAD and i'm crying right now b/c i cant swim now and that means i'll never be able to wear it. what am i supposed to do?




  1. Take it out.

    It hurts like h**l for me too, but it works if it's in deep enough.

    Ask your mum or a close friend to help.


  2. you might have put it in at the wrong angle, or it could be too big.

  3. try buying the new slim fit ones.

    they sell them at walmart.

    and don't worry..

    it doesnt mean you'll never be able to wear them

    just try different brands and styles :]

  4. well considering its your first time, it may hurt a bit, or you should just go swimming when your not on your period, tbh iv never used a tampon and i dont intend to either. Make sure your putting it in at the right angle ect.  

  5. are you sure your putting it in correctly?  Doesn't sound like you are... be sure to look at the illustration and follow the steps closely because your not supposed to feel it at all.   Or maybe your just using one that is too big for you... try the smallest size possible until you get used to them.

  6. my mum says it hurts your first time.

    like the first time you have s*x.

    im too scared to use one anyway.

    hth x

  7. Don't worry, they take some getting used to!  Try using a slimmer one next time, and make sure it has a plastic applicator.  But if you decide they're not for you, you can always use pads, and you'll only have a few days a month when you can't swim.

    Good luck!

  8. Oh lord. Did you read the instructions on how to put them in? You need to make sure you are putting them in right, also if this is your first time using tampons you should use smaller absorbency ones. Try the slim-regular kind. When I first started using tampons they hurt me like you described and it was because I wasn't putting them in the correct way. It will be uncomfortable the first few times and it takes some getting used to, but once you have the tampon in it should not hurt you at all. Ask your mother or sister for some pointers and help. And if you don't want to ask them ask a close friend!  

  9. Its one of 3 things....

    1.u put it in on the wrong angle

    2.It's too big

    3.Maybe its the wrong brand 4 u

    *I use tampax pearl b/c it's plastic and has a rounded tip so it doesn't hurt that bad, cardboard tampons arent that comfortable for me at all  

  10. Well, for starters...RELAX!  If you are all tense and freaked out about it, you will tighten up (everywhere) and that will make it harder to put in.  Secondly, make sure you are using the right size of tampon.  If you have never  used one before you dont want to get the super plus size, thats gonna be too big.  I would suggest to get the Playtex kind because they are smaller, and make sure to get a plastic applicator, that makes it way easier, even once you become an old pro at it!

  11. Usually when it hurts, you put it in incorrectly or at the wrong angle. When I first tried putting a tampon in, I found it extremely uncomfortable and it hurt.

    When it's in there correctly, it shouldn't hurt.

  12. You probably put it in wrong, or you just need to get a different brand, style and get used to them, you can swim with tampons! or is that another reason? I like the Playtex sport,  

  13. Maybe they're too big?

    If you got "super" ones, they can be pretty painful!

    I used one of my mom's once to go horse riding, and itwas unbearable!

    You should get smaller ones, like tampax slender, they're purple.

    And you've gotta crouch down for the first time, and not to sound nasty, you could try holding you vaginal lips open with you fingers.

  14. Don't worry your not alone the first time I used one it hurt like that and I just wanted to die. But then I a friend of mine said I might be using the wrong size. so I tried a new size and it still hurt but then I was told it was because I wasn't use to em. Now I am use to em.

  15. you put it in wrong.. or you were unrelaxed.

    im not sure how to explain how to put one in but..

    the key to it is to relax just take a deep breathe and untense yourself.. it helps 10 times more

  16. Yeah, their are very uncomfortable! I dont know! I feel the same way so that's why I just use the pads! But, this is your first time using it so u just have to get used to it sweetie, thats all! keep giving it another try and if it doesnt work after a few times than I would say go back to tampons!

  17. probably your wearing them wrong. you have to make sure they are really deep, if you leave them almost outside that is when it hurts. also if your virgin it will hurt.

  18. don't sit! stand and also take your tampon out a little, don't put it all the way in.

    I'm a guy lol

  19. My daughters had this "problem" my wife took them to the drug store and got some KY Jelly. problem solved. KY Jelly is available  everywhere, Wal-Mart, Target and any drugstore.
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