
Tamukeyama Japanese Maple Problem???

by Guest10784  |  earlier

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We planted this small tree about 7-8 weeks ago. Just recently I've noticed the tips of each of the lacy leaves are turning a whitish color. This started with just the end of one branch, (I thought the dog had maybe hiked his leg there) but is now on almost all of the tips of the leaves. Is this too little or too much water, fertilizer, sun? As you know this is a pretty expensive tree, it was actually a present for mothers day, so I hate to loose it if there is any way to keep from doing so. Any help is greatly appreciated!




  1. Whitening of the leaves is almost certain to be over fertilizing. This is unlikely to kill it but in the future feed it with an organic soluble like fish emulsion. A little and often is the golden rule.

    These trees are very sensitive, best grown in semi shade, in very hot summer climates they can get pretty ragged by the end of summer. But well worth it, the older they get the stronger they become.

  2. tip browning is a natural thing... the tree is in transplant shock, the air is hot and dry , there's probably a hot breeze and it's trying to get roots in place AND get used to being in sunlight, not a greenhouse or less shady area than it was in the nursery!...  .... the tips will not bother the tree... the new growth that will come in a month or so will not have it.... just keep the soil moist so the little roots can get into it, do not fertilize it, and give it time....

    it's a lovely tree...

    EDIT.... I doubt that over-watering would  cause it....  if the tree was actually drowning, they would go brown all over, overnight.... believe me, I've lost three to drowning....!!!... (of course, since they are a bit 'tempermental' I couldn't say for certain ... I just know that mine, in my summer heat , do the same thing whether I water or don't!... the only ones that don't do it are those that are shade lovers and protected from winds...

    if your tree gets a lot of sun, you might consider planting something that will cast shadow on it in late afternoon.... and if it's going to get a lot of sun over winter, look into a wrap for the trunk!!... email me and we'll talk... ok?...clik my picture ,it's there...

    here's more info...

    Even when using the correct variety they almost always stress a bit in the summers. A few brown tips on the leaves is normal.

    and they love pond water!!!.... good stuff in there!!....

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