
Tanganyikan cichild N.brevis and N. brichardi?

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these guys have the same colors and I was wondering if I could put them together in a 29 gallon with lots of rock and shells.

-male & female brevis

-3 brichardi or 3 daffodil ( I have both these species)




  1. i would only put one single species in a 29 gallon tank

    but i think it could work out with both, IF, you have lots of hiding spots and are on top of your water changes  

  2. Kregs, I know you ask alot about these shell dwellers and I've posted in your answers before even though I don't keep Tangs.  YES you can put them in a 29, and your best bet is only one male of each.  Since these are shell dwellers, you can work in smaller spaces, and to avoid the stealing of shells from the two males, just divide the tank with a divider is all.  It's not a matter they'll fight.  Male shell dwellers do not get much larger then 1 inch.  It's a matter of keeping them from cross breeding is all.

  3. Hi there

    Your Neolamprologus Brevis are a colony fish by nature so would prefer to be in a group of 6 or more and need a whole heap of big shells to hide in.

    Your Neolamprologus Brichardi are slightly bigger than the Brevis, but can be kept happily in pairs. They prefer caves, rocks, overhangs, that kind of deal.

    Seeing as its just a 100L tank Id stick with one species. This doesnt mean it cant be done, all it means is that your varying from the optimum environment for them, and you may, or may not have issues with this. The Brevis arent very attractive so you might prefer the Brichardi. Its up to you.

    Best of Luck,


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