
Tank full of guppies?

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I have a 6 gallon tank with four fish in it right now. I have an oto who is very small and usually hangs out on the heater and I have three fancy guppies (two females, and one male). How many more guppies could i get away with putting in the tank? Also, should they be male or female. I dont want my tank to be over crowded but they look like they could use 1 or 2 more fish in there. Thanks!!!!




  1. yea it is ok to take thm out whn u clena ur tank, by the way wht water conditioner u use for ur tank cuz i i have guppies but thy dye like 2-3 weeks but dont know why

  2. Don't add any more guppies. Get one more oto though because they like company of their own kind.

    Don't remove your fish when you are siphoning, they will be okay as long as you pay attention when you're cleaning. Most siphons are too small (the tube part) to suck up the fish anyways.

  3. Don't get any more fish.  You have the right ration of male to female guppies and don't want to mess with that.  Besides, your female guppies will begin to have fry soon and then you are going to have more fish than you know what to do with!  

    Don't take the fish out of the tank when you clean it.  It just stresses the fish out for no good reason.  You aren't really likely to suck the fish up with the gravel vacuum.  The suction isn't strong enough.  If you put the end over an adult fish, they can swim out again.  Even a fry of a few weeks old can swim out against the suction of a siphon.  Only very young fry are at danger of being sucked up by a siphon hose, and even if you do suck them up, you can always rescue them out of the waste water bucket.  The ride down the hose doesn't really hurt the fish.

  4. I would not recommend adding more fish.  After your first batch of fry is born, you will understand.  A good rule of thumb is to have no more than 1 inch of fish for every gallon of water.  So in a six gallon tank, you could have 3 2-inch fish, or any other variation adding up to 6.  Guppies are hardy fish, but they will still suffer from overcrowding.  If you just have to add more fish, make it more otos, you will have more guppies than you can handle soon enough.  Some stores will take them off your hands.

  5. i take my fish out when i clean mine and you dont have any more room for more fish sorry

  6. You don't need to buy more fish.  The guppies multiply rapidly, and you'll be looking at wanting to get rid of them.  I'd recommend instead, getting rid of the females and getting 3 more males.
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