
Tank mate for betta: Corydoras, maybe?

by  |  earlier

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i have an aggressive male Betta, all alone in a ten gallon aquarium.

being dumb like i am, i put the tank in a window and now algae is growing.

i was thinking on getting my betta some tank mates. maybe a corydoras or two? i certainly have the room.




  1. Zebra danios make good companion fish.

  2. The easiest solution is to move your tank out of the window.  No fish is going to be able to keep up with algae growth if the tank is getting sunlight.

    Cory's don't eat much algae, otto cat's will though.  


  3. If your tank is filtered and heated those would be fine. Actually I have had mine in a tank with tetras before and they were okay. With all of that room the fish will establish their own territories. Best of luck and enjoy the new fish you pick out. :)

  4. Ok, goldfish need much colder water that goldfish, so they will not be able to live a very long live with a betta! Cory's do not eat much algae, but mystery snails or a group of 5 otocincluses could help with the algae...or both!

    Edit:I knew I would hear someone say it! YES Betta's can be kept with other fish! I have many book on them and they all say the same thing! Betta's only attack other male Betta's or fish that look like other male Betta's. So just do not add fish with long flowing fins or lots of colors! I have a female Betta in a community right now and my males used to have snails in there tank and it was fine! I am freakin sick and tired of people giving Betta's a bad rep! They are the BEST fish out there and people just abuse them, think they are killers! They are NOT! My Betta loved his tadpole friend until I moved him out, back to the creek where I found him, it was so funny, cuz he went up and poked the tadpole with his nose. When it did not move the first time he poked it again and it swam of. He back off looking scared after that. So quit giving Betta's a bad freaking reputation! They are one of the most mellow and good community fish if you match them with the right fish!! GGRR!

  5. Cory cats can usually live with Betta as long as the tank is suitable. Because they are dull coloured and scurry around the bottom the betta dont see them as a threat. But get a group and give them plenty of cover. That way, even if the betta chases them, he's unlikey to catch and harm them, and cant just pick on one fish as there is a school.

    Another option is a Bristlenose Pleco, they are small, peacefull, actually eat some algae and are armour plated. As long as they have some cover they are fine with much more agressive fish than Betta.


  6. Corys and bettas will get along fine. Corys don't eat algae, though, so you might want to get a couple otocinlus catfish too. A 10 gallon tank looks pretty empty with just a single betta, so get some tankmates like danios or tetras.

  7. I have gold fish in with my betta and they get along just fine

  8. I've had small water frogs with my betas for years. The betas are naturally testy at first but they make great tank mates.

  9. 1.aquatic dwarf frog-,%2050.j...


    3.cory catfish-

    but nothing big with pretty fins..:)

  10. a buch of female bettas

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