
Tanning, fair skin; HELP!?

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Hello, basically-

i wonder if you would be so kind && me look good? (:

I would very much like a tan, and i have pale skin && freckles--usually burn. On sunday i am jetting off to the south of france for x2 weeks, -i live in England.

Any solutions on gradually building a dark tan?

Thank you





  1. I am from the U.S, so I don't know if you have this around there. We have spray tanning booths. Same tan with out the harmful rays. Also jergens has a self tanning lotion that gradually helps you tan

  2. Get a base tan at a tanning salon.

    I personally don't think tanning salons are worth it since they're so unhealthy though, so I use lotions like Jergens "natural glow". You apply it everyday and it gradually changes the color of your skin.

    Just make sure you apply it evenly do you don't get some spots darker than others!

  3. That's just what my skin's like,

    I used dove summer glow in the lighter version

    it will give you a nice even tan within days

    and it won't look orange

    just apply it every day, but make sure you apply it evenly other wise you will get dark marks ;)

    Have fun in france  

  4. Just be white and happy with it.  I don't get everybody's idea that burned and charred skin looks good.  As a pale person, your chances of skin cancer are higher than dark skinned people....

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