
Tantrums about clothes

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ok my daughter is 4and a half and she just recently started throwing tantrums, and i mean loud. She has tons of clothes that she picked out, and when i ask her to get dressed she screams, when she puts them on she screams louder and says there to tight, and they are in fact not to small. i don't know what to do, why does she do this? i was told those are early signs of autism, is this true? what should i look for, what can i do? shes smart, and the tantrums are the only thing unusual. any suggestions?




  1. talk to a doctor

  2. Check out the book "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka.

    My son is the same way and this book REALLY helped.  Autism is a bit of a me, she just sounds "spirited".  Get the book and you'll know what I'm talking about.

  3. It sounds like a control issue.  Back off and give her a little bit of control.  4 year old like a little bit of independence and she's exerting it.  Have her pick out her own clothes and dress herself.  She may p**s you off and wear the same thing for a couple of days but don't react.  You can also try a forced choice.  Tell her she can wear this, this, or this.  Let her choose what she wants to wear.  If she throws a fit, close her bedroom door and tell her she has 5 minutes to choose and get dressed or you will pick out what she is wearing.  

    Is there any chance she is overwhelmed by all the clothes she has?  You said she has tons of clothes that she picked out.  Maybe it's too much.  The tantrums could be her wanting her way and being defiant.

    If you punish her, follow through with it or she will walk all over you.  She is testing you.

  4. Pick out a few sets of clothes that you wouldn't mind her wearing for the day, let her pick between them.  That way you know that she is dressed appropriately for the day and she feels like she has some control over it.  As for saying they are to tight when they aren't, my son does the same thing if I don't let him have a choice.  He just does it so he can help pick out the clothes.

  5. Could be. I did that when I was four. I have Autism. Those links tell you everything to look for in Autism. She could also be doing this for attention. Autism is more likely, though.

    Look at these links.

  6. my son has a choice of two sets of clothes.

    if he still refuses to dress, i find the question "do you want to go out in your pjs?" works quite well!

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