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When did you kids start throwing temper tantrums?? Mine is only 10 months and already starting. He gets so mad and throws himself back screaming and crying.




  1. Have fun.  It amazes me but kids already start pushing their weight around really early.  He isn't mature enough to actually manipulate you yet, though.  :)

    I am thinking that he may be rather independent.  Likes to feed himself, wants to start walking, etc.  I recognize the symptoms.  :)  But be encouraged, I lived through them.

    God's best to you!

  2. yes my daughter (1 on Friday) started about 10 months. I have a 4 year old son. He was such a perfect kid until about 2-2 1/2. then I guess he hit his terrible 2's

  3. jus let him realize that tantrums with you are not gonna get him anything, dont give in to his screaming give him time outs that works for my son.

  4. My daughter does the same thing,but its not really because she wants a  toy,or something like that its because she wants my attention.

      My daughter is going to be a year on mon. and she started with tantrums at 9 months.

    My mother just said I never threw tantrums when I was that little,I asked why and she said because she always gave me what I wanted even before I wanted it.

  5. My daughter was about that age - I remember thinking - "I thought it was the terrible two's - isn't this a bit early??"
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