
Tapeworm Question?

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What type of worms are in pork? i know tape worm but is it actually a worm or is it just an infection?




  1. There are many types of worms infecting pigs. The most important are those which can infect humans through eating poorly cooked pork. They are : Trichinella spiralis, found as whitish small cysts in the muscles and the bladder worm of Taenia solium which when ingested will form the adult tape worm in the small intestine of humans.

  2. tape worm is both

    worms found in pork are trichina

  3. It is actually a worm, just very small. Once you get some into you, it will count as an infection. If you cook pork well the worms and eggs will die.

  4. Yes, it is an actual worm.  It is called an infection when the worms/larvae are inside a humans' body.

    Here's some more specific information.



    What are taeniasis and cysticercosis?

    Taeniasis is an intestinal infection with the adult stage of large tapeworms; cysticercosis is a tissue infection with the larval stage of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium. Other Taenia species can occasionally cause cysticercosis as well.

    How do you get these infections?

    People get pork tapeworm from eating raw or undercooked infected pork. Infected pork

    may look “measly” because it has larval cysts in the muscle. The larval cysts develop

    into adult tapeworms in the person’s intestine and produce a large number of eggs.

    Eggs are passed in the stool and are then spread through food, water, or surfaces

    contaminated with f***s. People develop cysticercosis by swallowing these eggs. The

    eggs hatch in the small intestine and larvae migrate to various tissues throughout the

    body, where they form cysts. This is called cysticercosis. If the cysts are in the brain,

    the condition is called neurocysticercosis.

    Where are these infections found?

    Tapeworms are found worldwide; however, infection is more common in countries

    where pigs roam freely and eat human f***s. Pork tapeworm is very rare in Muslim

    countries. Infection can occur even if you have never traveled outside the United


    What are the symptoms of infection?

    Infections with adult tapeworms are often unnoticed. Occasionally a person may have

    nervousness, anorexia, weight loss, and abdominal pain. Symptoms of cysticercosis

    can be severe, depending on where the cysts form in the body.

    · Muscle: Cysts in muscles usually do not cause symptoms, but lumps may be felt

    under the skin.

    · Eye: Cysts may float in the eye and cause blurred vision or a detached retina.

    · Brain, spinal cord: Neurocysticercosis can cause seizures and headaches,

    confusion, difficulty with balance, and death.

    How soon after infections do symptoms appear?

    Persons infected with adult tapeworms will have eggs in their stool 8 to 12 weeks after

    initial infection. The adult tapeworm can live in the intestine and produce eggs for more

    than 30 years. Symptoms of cysticercosis may appear from weeks to ten years or more

    after infection, often when the larval cysts are dying.

    How is infection with pork tapeworm diagnosed?

    Infections are diagnosed by laboratory tests on stool specimens. Neurocysticercosis

    may be diagnosed with MRI or CT brain scans.

    How do you treat someone with cysticercosis?

    Anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory drugs are most often used. Surgery is necessary

    for certain types of cysticercosis, but some infections may not require treatment.

    How can I prevent pork tapeworm infection?

    Prevent infection by never eating raw or undercooked pork and other meats. Always

    wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before handling food,

    especially when traveling in developing countries.
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