
Tarantula need help fast?

by Guest63524  |  earlier

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my tarantula escaped it could be in my room but no luck yet i left the door open when she left i have two bedrooms right next to me,bathroom,kitchen,and living room,dining room and all thats on the first floore




  1. look under everything they like dark places, also rememba they are good climbers especially pink-toes so look in high places too.

  2. First place to look is around the cage.  Most of the time when one escapes, the tarantula is only a few feet from the cage.  They are not wanderers.  You might have to move a lot of furniture around, and be careful doing so as you may accidentally crush your tarantula doing it. Check on top and behind books in bookcases before removing books,  and check inside the structure of futons or couches before folding them or moving them.

    I don't know what species you have, but don't worry too much.  I have heard of people having such breakouts and finding the tarantula in the same room *months* later, hungry but alive.  The biggest threat is if your cat or dog, if you have either, finds it before you (big possibility).  In that case, the spider would become a snack for them.  If it is an arboreal species, look up on top of dressers or even in the upper corners of the walls, if terrestrial, then check below.

    The most important thing is when you recover your pet, don't put her back into  the same cage untill you figure out how she got out and fix the problem.  Putting the tarantula back into the cage she has already proven she can bust out of is just plain unwise.

  3. i agree. look in corners and under things. poor girl. i hope no one step on her or she doesn't fall.

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