
Tarentino's kill bill volume1?

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how violent is it? is it a good movie?how bloody is it?i'll give best answer to whoever can post the most info! thanks!




  1. Kill Bill Vol. 1 is extremely violent.

    There is quite a bit of blood, but it's not realistic.

    It is very exaggerated and almost funny.

    If you like other Tarantino movies, you'll love it.

    It's a great movie, if you aren't offended by his style.

    The Kill Bill movies are two of my favorites.

  2. It is very violent.

    It's a great movie.

    It's very bloody.

    Hope that answered all your questions.

  3. well on dvd , it has lots and lots of blood! really it does, iits like when she cuts one arm of, the blood just squirts but i love it better than the second one

  4. It is extremely violent.  During one scene, there is so much blood and loss of limbs that it had to be shown in black and white.

  5. It's bloody as h**l,violent and a ton of fun

  6. I was surprised to find that it wasn't all that violent.

    Yes, there is violence and violent content.  But it's not in your face.  And although one could argue that violence is the point of the movie, it doesn't feel that way.

    The fight scenes are satirical (I think...) and are more artistic than savage.

    There are a couple of scenes that are fairly graphic (one involves an arm, the other the top of someone's head).  But even they weren't overly shocking to me.

    All I know is that I didn't watch it for years after it came out.  Everyone said how great it was and I, thinking I knew what QT movies were like, poo-pooed them.  But then it was on TV one night and I got completely sucked in.

    You won't regret watching it.

  7. The violence in the beginning is more tense than the end. Its more dramatic. There is a very tense scene where someone gets their achilles tendon sliced, but there isnt any blood. A man's head is smashed in a door, its violent, but there isnt any blood. The second half, however, has gratuitous violence. People are sliced, stabbed, limbs are chopped off, someone is scalped (brain is visible). The blood isnt very realistic, but there is alot of it. They used over 450 gallons of blood between both of the movies.

    The movies are both amazing, by the way. Tarantino at the top of his game.  

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