
Target Brand Home Pregnancy Tests?

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Hello everyone! I'm having a bit of complication with pregnancy tests. I took a target brand hpt this morning and got the faintest of lines (so much so that I thought I was going crazy and just imagining it). I took the other one in the box about an hour later and got the same thing. I went to the store and got a digital clear blue test and it came up not pregnant. Has anyone else experienced this type of result with store-brand tests?





  1. I took a target test and it was faint but I ended up pregnant. Your hcg level just may be low right now. It just may be really early to take a test. Try taking the test in a few days and your levels may go up and the lines may be darker.

  2. Go look at they compare the test. I believe the clearblue only detects like 50 or 100miu of the hcg hormone and most other early test are like 25 so the target test was probably more sensitive, I would be guessing you are pregnant:)

  3. I took two test and had faint lines on both..never took a digital one but I was prego!

  4. It could just be to early some test pick up a lot earlier then others. Blood test is always best and the only true way to be sure. Good luck

  5. I have never had a bad experience with Target brand. Although blue dye test can give pretty convening evaps.

    But keep in mind that the digital pregnancy test is not as sensitive as other pregnancy tests.

    I would suggestt running out & picking up an answer or Firstresponsee.

  6. I experienced it w/ a fancy popular brand ~  

  7. The digital tests are not the most accurate.  I would go with the Target results.  NO matter how faint the line, you are still pregnant.  It's too soon for the digital to show up.  If you want to confirm more, I would go to the Dollar Store.  The tests are cheap and very accurate.

    Congrats :)

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