
Target brand or walmart brand diapers, formula, & wipes which one do u like better.?

by  |  earlier

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is the target brand diapers, formula, & wipes as good as the walmart brand which one do u perfer i am trying to figure out if the store brand is good. I have tried the target brand wipes and they seem good but i want to find out if walmart and target brand baby supplies are good .




  1. Never used Target brand stuff as we don't have one around here but I use a lot of walmart stuff.  I use parent choice diapers, wipes and i have used their formula and it worked just fine.  

  2. i dont know about diapers but i know with wipes i like to have thick wipes,something that will get the job i bought wal mart wipes one time and they were like paper thin. i hated them. wal mart sells white cloud diapers, they really arent that bad.i buy those now, but only because my daughter only needs diapers at night. Walgreens brand wipes are actually really good too. I never did buy off brand formula so im not really sure about that one. But good luck to ya!

  3. If I did use cheap brand it would only be target. I do use the target wipes and I think they are just as good as huggies wipes.

  4. If i did, i would use target all the way. sometimes i go off brand on wipes. but, i wount skimp on the formula, i'd stick with name brand like enfamil lipil, that if crucial nutrition we are talking about.

  5. i know this sounds silly but target brand diapers are great but their wipes to me are rough.  The Walmart brand diapers don't hold up well and their wipes are great.

    FYI for later

    Target pull ups are c**p Walmart is better but not that good either

  6. Target100%

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