
Target practice time help, please?

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since i got my CCW i started training every 2 weeks, i carry a P229 .40 and want to improve my timing. From unholster to alpha i usually make 1.88 sec, but i was wondering if there is a specific kind of holster that will help me unholster faster, but one that is also safe. I use a Fobus paddle holster.




  1. Do not make this intensely personal decision with haste.

    Shop around, then shop around, then shop around some more.

    Find a holster that works for you. Test as many holsters as you can get your hands on.


    Realize you are NOT ever going to be in a situation where you need to whip it out and fire in less than 2 seconds accurately.

    Safety should be your first concern.

    For added info. I use a Safari level 3 for my Glock model #22 while on duty. That's a pretty secure holster and has several steps one must complete to get the weapon out. And you know what... with all the practice I have had, I still beat your time.

    Practice makes perfect.

  2. I have 30 years of concealed carry experience - I took an instant dislike to the Fobus.  Even though it came free with my Springfield XD I never bothered to wear it.......heck, I never removed it from the box.  

    The three most important aspects of concealed carry is to #1 keep it concealed, #2 keep it comfortable and #3 keep it safe.  Speed is not part of the ccw equation.

    It has also been my experience that people who practice speed with their designated concealed firearm have a high incidence of shooting their bedroom mirror, floor, foot, thigh, or home wall.

    That said - you should have a designated concealed carry firearm and then other firearms you use at the range.  Once you put 300-500 rounds of break in ammo through your concealed carry firearms that is it - range time and play time are over.  Mixing your concealed firearm with your range guns is a great way to have an accident.  

    Hope this helps.

  3. Never ever sacrifice accuracy for speed.*~

  4. A lot of the time shooting by yourself is not the best thing. Your working to build technique and could really benefit with having an Instructor with you. My only point is if you are developing a bad habit in the draw or handling, you won't notice. Your repetitions will ingrain this (possible ) bad habit or poor technique. Then you will later have to un-learn and re-train properly.

    Concealed carry does not mean "Gunfighter fast draws", the purpose is no one knows you have it until you want them to know you have it when it is leveled at center of mass and you command STOP.

  5. You could also try using a Safari Land Holster. or try seeing if there is a comp. shooting holster that you like those also help. Also if the Holster is to tight for the sidearm then that too will add resistance to your draw. you want the pistol to be snug not tight.

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