
Tarot Card Begginer?

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I understand the basic concept and I know what each card means, but for the actual setup (The Celtic cross card spread), after the reader and the querent both shuffle the cards, do you just randomly place them in the correct order? Basically I noticed that there are four types of card in the deck, so do I need to pick randomly from each group or do I just place in them down 1 thru 10? Also, how do I get the signifier card? Do I ask the person what the question is about and then find a card that best represents that? Or must I pick from a select group of cards. I'm using a basic universal waite deck. Thanks for the help. I know how to read em but slightly confused on how to get started, Thanks!




  1. The most knowlegable person I know on the subject.  Also one of the nicest people on the planet.

  2. hi. i do reading now for couple years and still learning.ok , first you take all cards, shuffles them all, dont divide in 4 groops or manor and major arcan.while you shuflle you think about the person you are read can ask if he has a question , but not nessesaraly.may be he wnts just general reading.dont need card for, signifier i undestand its a card which can represent the person you read for.for example queen of sword can represent old lady, widow or single, who went through a life a lot.king of cups its blond old man, may be teacher or art person.knights are always present young people.and you can choose by star sign.for example pentacles represent signs of earth as virgo.... hope that help.and then if signifient card lies in a reading it will present that person.good luck

  3. This question would go over much better in Folklore and Mythology.

    No, you don't pick cards based on the suits.  You just put them all in one pile and take the top ones for your spread.

    The querent is the PERSON you're reading for, not the question.  The usual querent cards are The Magician for men and The High Priestess for women, though you can certainly pick other cards if you think they'd match the person better.

  4. Most tarrot card decks come with instructions. But some tarrot card decks have better instructions that most. Like I had one deck that came with a huge fold out that you laid the cards on top of, showing you specifically where to lay the cards. You might have gotten a deck that didn't come with good instructions. You could google for instructions.
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