
Tarot cards???..Read details!?

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I am into dvination, and I am going to learn how to read tarot cards...anyone who knows, any opinions on a good deck?




  1. I spent 2 years walking around with the Waite deck and an instruction book - i found readings very confusing until one day I threw the book away!  My readings became so much clearer and accurate since that day.  I suggest you pick up any deck that appeals to you and tune into your cards and the "powers that be".  Good luck.

  2. A really good deck that i have found by an Australian guy is "The Revelation Tarot". The illustrations are done so that there is a distinct picture when each card in inverted (upside down) as well as upright, kinda like the kings, queens and jacks in a normal card deck. they are very beautiful and give clear yet detailed meanings for the cards in both upright and inverted positions, and also some very easy but detailed spreads.

    But although this is a deck that works well for me it might not be right for you- another i can recommend is "The Mythic Tarot" which is based on Greek myths (its the deck my best friend/housemate uses) but ultimately the right deck for you will come along in time :)

    *Blessed Be*

  3. Rider-Waite is a good basic beginner deck. As for its illustrations, it can be rather dry but it does convey the core meanings of the cards well. Where you go after the basics are learned is up to you. Not all decks are created equally. But the basics remain fairly consistent deck to deck (Tarot, NOT oracle-type decks). I chose the Robin Wood deck to read with most often after I learned, but I also have about twenty-some various Tarot and other divination decks.

  4. The Rider-Waite seems to be a good starter deck, There is a version with the meanings printed on the cards themselves, You might want to try that one first till you get the feel, and then move on to decks where the images speak to you.

  5. Tarot is a language of symbols, these are what evoke the subconscious or psychic response. if you are not familiar with the symbolism start with a plain deck.

    The Swiss or Marseilles decks are the oldest basic designs. It is also better to avoid ones which cultural or ethnic themes at this stage because they are someone else's interpretation of the deck.

    For the Major Deck, meditate or study each card to discover what it means to you.

    For the Minor Deck, learn the symbolism and the elements to understand the aspects the 4 suits cover. Also, learn the spiritual value of each no, from 1-10.

    The influence of the suit + the activity of the no =  the influence of the pip card.

    For instance;

    6 is the no of Harmony

    The Sword is mental energy and the challenges of the mind

    So; Harmony + Challenge is the res-bite the 6 of Swords represents.

    Allow your own interpretations to come through and you'll be a good Tarot reader.

  6. Invariably, everyone recommends the Rider-Waite as a good, basic set of cards.  Nothing esoteric.  Nothing weird.

    Once you've grasped the fundamentals of reading the cards, you'll be able to find plenty of cards that are more appealing - both visually and spiritually.

    My favourite site for cards is

    There are both reviews and illustrations on what is available. also has tarot cards and books; and the ability to read passages from the various books before you buy.

    Hope you get many years of satisfaction from the Tarot.

    I certainly have.

    (Stopped counting how many decks I have when I hit double digits)  LOL

    In la'kech

  7. Go to a bookstore and get a pack of cards that come with a book. You can get the basics down that way and decide on the type of tarot cards you want. There are many good types out there

  8. Reading tarot is interesting. I don't use it much anymore, but! I know everyone suggests the rider-waite deck, but I hated it. I didn't connect with it, my dogs eventually found them and chewed on them, and I didn't care. Not a good deck for me.

    Just find a deck that speaks to you. Reading tarot isn't about telling the person what the book says the card means. It's much more than that. My own opinion: throw any books away that you get with your deck and learn to feel the cards. Find a deck that calls to you and no other deck seems right.  

  9. Try a lot of different decks to see how they feel to you. Some think the Rider-Waite deck is a sort of standard. I like different decks for different readings--I keep six or seven decks around here so that the people I read for can pick the one they like.

    Try to learn the deep meanings and the patterns of the way a Tarot deck is constructed--instead of selecting only one deck to use; you'll be able to use any deck after you do, and it will teach you more about divination than learning someone else's "method."

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