
Tarot readers, what do you make of these cards?

by  |  earlier

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The question I asked was "what does the future hold between myself and my ex-husband?" I used the celtic spread. I have been learning the cards now for a few months, can't decipher this one, probably because it is too personal to me, I feel it's contradictory. Any thoughts?

Basis of the matter : 3 of swords

Where you are now: 6 of pentacles

Hopes or fears: 6 of cups

Present and passing: 9 of cups

Forces for and against you: Knight of swords

Near future: Knight of wands

How near future will evolve: The Emporer

New turn of events: Wheel of Fortune

you in environment of future: 5 of pentacles

Outcome or Summation : 8 of wands





  1. He's gonna win the lotto and you'll end up as a char lady.

  2. I'm afraid I have to agree with Thickstickit, trying to read for yourself is ill-advised at best and practically impossible at worst.  I know, I've tried and what little success I've had stemmed from my trying to read for the situation with which I was involved rather than for myself, personally. And when I say "little success" I mean very little.

    I 'd suggest asking a friend to read for you, asking your tarot teacher (if you have one), or sucking it up and paying a professional so as to get the best reading possible. Otherwise, try one of the divination methods that tend to be more "personally" based such as casting runes or the asian I Ching. Good luck.

  3. these cards mean your going to h**l for practicing witchcraft. lol just kidding......but not really.

  4. Dont use pieces of paper to determine your future and to find out about your past. They are all lies and if it turns out right, its just sheer luck.

  5. first off you cant read your own destiny or future.

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