
Tarot reading?

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hi, can anyone interpret this celtic cross reading for me. I appreciate the opinion of those who dont like traot cards but i have asked for peoples interpretations so could the 'tarot is aload of rubbish' people go and answer someone elses question please! thank you

1st card Ace of Cups

2nd Justice

3rd ace of wands

4th tower

5th 7 of swords

6th emperor

7th page of wands

8th 4 of pentacles

9th 4 of cups

10th knight of pentacles




  1. Hello

    What were the cards positions titles as there are many versions of the Celtic Cross?

    You can post your layouts for interpetation at the forum link below.


  2. you're past shows as trouble that you came out of ok, this sent you're world in a bit of a turmoil and there was change, did you get help or sound advice from an older gent whom is quite knowledgeable? if not then you will, and there is also another male coming into your life but i would say tread carefully, its a shame you didn't pull three more cards because this is not very conclusive, I hope its ok as its easier when the cards are in front to get the vibe

  3. It means you drew a random selection of rectangular bits of card with images on them from a wider selection. Nothing more.

  4. tarot cards are a part of witchcraft. they may not affect you now but payday is coming and it won't be pretty.

  5. ace of cups:

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    1 Magician

    2 High Priestess

    3 Empress

    4 Emperor

    5 Pope

    6 The Lovers

    7 Chariot

    8 Justice

    9 Hermit

    10 Wheel of Fortune

    11 Strength

    12 Hanged Man

    13 Death

    14 Temperance

    15 The Devil

    16 The Tower

    17 The Star

    18 The Moon

    19 The Sun

    20 Judgment

    21 The World

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    The tarot suit of cups is ruled by water.

    Water symbolises the emotions due to the bonding quality of water. Take the water, or liquid, out of any substance and it falls to disintegration.  It is therefore these bonds which hold the universe together.  We recognise these bonds, as symbolised through water, as a kind of love which keeps people together.  It is only the bonds which people form that create attachment to people, places and things.

    In tarot the suit of cups symbolises all of the emotional bonds which the individual creates throughout this lifetime as well as the residue, and often inaccessible memories, of emotional attachments from previous incarnations.

    Throughout history water has been used as a symbolic form of binding in many religious ceremonies, especially during the Piscean age and Christianity.  If you look at a traditional Marseille tarot deck Ace of Cups you will notice how similar it is to a baptism font.  The ceremony of pouring water over the babies head, or submersion of the body into water, symbolises the individual’s bond into the church and its doctrine.

    There are many myths and legends which use the cup to symbolise love and pure emotion.  Probably the most famous of these is the story of King Arthur and the search for the Holy Grail.  Although many knights go on the quest to find the grail it is only Galahad who is eventually found to be worthy of it due to his purity of heart.

    In tarot the Aces are the pure form of the energy symbolised. Hence the ace of cups symbolises the bonding quality of love and our ability to make and sustain positive emotional contact with people, animals, places and things. This is, however, the type of love which anticipates something in return.  It is the “I will love you if you love me, or feed me, or whatever.”  Unconditional love, in which nothing is expected, or anticipated, by return comes under the realm of the Sun card.

    The ace of cups therefore represents the heart chakra and when the card is upright we are able to experience positive emotional connection and when the ace of cups is reversed the heart chakra is damaged or blocked.

    In practice the ace of cups will show that the individual is receptive and open to loving emotions and has a caring nature.  It does not necessarily mean that the questioner is “in love”, or even has a personal relationship in their life.  Sometimes it can refer to the desire, or readiness, to explore a new personal relationship.

    In a tarot reading the ace of cups reversed indicates that the emotions have been damaged, that the heart is blocked and that the individual has difficulties connecting to other people.  Often a client will express it to me as an inability to feel anything or a numbness.  It is, what we might commonly call, a broken heart.


    It symbolises both Karma and sanskara.

    Sanskara:- A deep mental impression produced by past experiences, a mental or behavioural pattern, latency

    Sanskara is the personal side of Justice. All that has ever happened to us is held deep within our psyche.

    You are probably experiencing karma, the action which helps us to work through our personal sanskara. Events are taking place which affect a healing. However this healing often takes painful forms which means that while embroiled in it we cannot comprehend how it can possible help us.

    ace of wands:

    The Ace of Wands begins the explosion of energy which runs throughout the Suit of Wands. Here we see massive out-rushing power, high levels of force, the beginning of whatever the Will desires.

    When this card appears in a reading it often signifies the beginning of new life - whether as in pregnancy, or to represent the beginning of a whole new phase in life. In order to confirm pregnancy, you need to look for other 'baby' cards like the Princess/Page of Cups, or the Ace or 3 of Cups.

    When the card comes up to indicate a new phase in life, there will often be other cards surrounding it which indicate the area that will be most affected by the new force.

    This is a good card for healing energies, indicating high levels of vitality and vigour. This effect is much strengthened if the Sun also appears in the reading. It also indicates a period in life where we can forge forward toward our goals, having sufficient stamina and enthusiasm to follow through effectively.


    The Tower is numbered sixteen and shows a tower struck by lightning, with raging fires within and the top of the tower falling. There are usually figures falling, head-first, from the ruins.

    The Tower shows us a basic fact of spiritual life - the power of the Gods can strike unexpectedly to break down all the long-established patterns and assumptions that we have taken for granted for so long.

    Sometimes our limited vision of reality blocks our understanding and perception of truth. We begin to believe that the Tower - which we have been building higher and higher in order to reach the Gods - is the only reality. A cataclysmic force is needed to destroy this fantasy so as to allow us to recognise the powers which surround us. When this happens we must react with hope, letting go of our fears. The highest truths can now be realised.

    7 of swords:

    The Seven of Swords has always felt a little bit on the darker side. The image from the Robin Wood tarot was probably the most influential in designing this card. The card is done in black, white, and shades of gray. The shades of gray are where most of our life decisions exist. Rarely are things in life truly black or white, good or evil, but they lie somewhere in the gray, middle area.

    The man on the card appears to be untrustworthy and sinister. He represents a shifty used-car salesman. There is intelligence in his eyes but also self-centeredness. This individual will do anything for their personal gain. The drawing of the man is a bit cartoonish, compared to the very real looking background fence. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Is the fence keeping the man in or tying to keep him out? The barbed wire on top of the fence is a reminder that schemes and double-dealing are a dangerous business and can often lead to injury.

    Card Meaning

    Sneaky, devious, sly, stealth, underhanded, theft, robbery, unreliability, betrayal, spying, dishonor, deceit, lacking in integrity, dirty deals, back stabbing, breaking in, sneaking out, suspicion and mistrust.


    The Emperor card is the "Who's the boss?" card. It is an important question. The meaning of the card includes being in control over your environment, your body, your temper, your instincts, your love life. This is not the time to give into the unconscious, not the time to let yourself be controlled by the wants and needs of others. It is a card that gives the Querent permission to be aggressive, brave, bold and in command. The Emperor could be a father or father figure, leader or employer, either a demanding tyrant or a charismatic king. If the card stands for the Querent, he/she should think about whether their Empire has become an unwelcome chore and if it has, are they now a bad leader, demanding, unreasonable, unhappy. It might be time to abdicate the throne.

    page of wands:

    Description: The Page of Wands stands for a child or a childlike person that exudes excitement, a lot of energy, a strong sense of self, and adventure. Involvement with this person fosters enthusiasm and a lighthearted approach to life. Doors to passion are opening. He signals a time for real opportunities to experience the fiery wonders of the Wands suit—creativity, inspiration, charm, and courage. Seize any daring or exciting opportunity that presents itself. Reversed, this card indicates a time where someone immature and irresponsible will bring temptations leading to disaster. Further, it can signal a time where, despite caution, the consequences of such a person's actions will make an impact. Resist any invitations, and be wary. Any schemes or ideas coming from this source are not to be taken seriously. Guard against loss by standing firm. Keep as much distance as possible.

    4th of pentacles:Tarot Card Meaning was to keep secret records of history they have evolved over time to other uses as well. These days they are most popular with divination. The Tarot Card has also recently been used for playing games and gambling. They are also potent in casting spells. The more experienced will use the Tarot Card for casting spells, while others use the Tarot Card in paintings, gifts and even for decoration. There have spawned many different styles of the Tarot Card over the years with the most popular st
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