
Tarota celtic question?

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1. knight of wands

2. 9 of cups

3. temperance

4. 2 of wands

5. 10 of cups

6 queen of penticles

7. 5 of swords

8. the empress

9. 7 of swords

10. the magician

I asked how is my love life this year

what are my boyfriend potential




  1. Hello

    There are many versions of the Celtic Cross & the titles of the cards positions are very important for anothers interpretation.


  2. The cards suggest you are being a bit erratic.  That you have no clear cut ideas of what it is you are looking for.  In the past, you may have wished for a boyfriend, without specifically listing what you do want and don’t want from such a relationship.  

    Deep-down inside, you want the “happily ever after” scenario - but to achieve this, Temperance tells you that you need to create this for yourself.  It won’t just magically appear, simply because you’ve got a boyfriend.  

    5 Swords indicates that you are ready to embark on a new relationship, but Queen of Pentacles suggests you are your own worst enemy.  You are a bit of a perfectionist, and want the relationship to be “just so”.  

    The Empress tells you to be patient.  Love needs time to grow.

    “Beware of jealousy” is the loud warning from the cards.  Don’t deny potential boyfriends access to their own friends, or you’ll wreck the relationship before it even has a chance to start.  You may need to learn to compromise – to accept a potential boyfriend has a life of their own.  So don’t fret that you aren’t the centre of their universe.  Remember The Empress - pregnant with potential.

    The Magician says the power is within you to create this relationship.  But only you can wave that magic wand.  You need to know what you want; what you will tolerate and what will send you screaming from the room.

    I suggest you create a “dream board”.  List the things you want from the relationship; and the things you won’t stand for.  You don’t have to detail it down to eye colour and hair colour; just what you want from them, and what you will give in return.

    Then focus.  The Magician shows that you can have a boyfriend, if only you know 100% what (exactly) you want.  Not just some fantasy.

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