
Taser Guns-California: If you honsetly know then, and only then please answer!?

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Do you know if Taser Guns are illgeal in the state of California; Please elaborate if necessary!!!

Thanks for all your answers!!!




  1. There are places that the CA Penal Code does prohibit them. Schools, airports, public meetings and government buildings.

  2. It depends where you are, if your in a airport, club, disco, meeting, school or any place close by 100m to a teenage gathering. it is definatly illgel

  3. They are not illegal; however, PC 12651 identifies who CANNOT possess a taser.

    Also, anyone except a peace officer cannot possess a taser on school grounds, per PC 626.10.

    Calif Deputy

  4. PC 12651 concerns stun guns.  Stun guns do not shoot out electrodes, Tasers do.  There is only one judicial definition of what a Taser is in California, and it holds that a Taser is a loaded firearm.  (People v. Heffner (1977) 70 Cal.App.3d 643.)  So a Taser is thus subject to all the same restrictions upon possession as a loaded firearm.  They are not illegal, per se, but there are few public places where you can lawfully possess them.

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