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  1. TATRAKA and fire

    1/ When you gaze at something, it activates your Ajna chakra ( situated in the center and middle of your head, in the head, behind the 3rd eye. The 3 rd is the outside  front part of your Ajna  chakra)

    2/ Ajna is the chakra of "consciousness".
    Each chakra is linked with something, elements  ( earth, water, fire, air, ether, consciousness and supraconsciousness )
    Ajna chakra is a chakra that has the ability to activate the 5 elements and consciousness.

    3/ It means: or  you decide to concentrate on the elements
                       or you concentrate only on consciousness.

    4/ During your meditation, you experienced fire element. You activated it because your attention was somewhere linked with fire element.

    5/ So, if you do not want to experience fire element, you have to meditate in a different way: you have to remain ONLY in consciousness. Easy to understand.

    Now, to practice it , how to do ?

    6/ How to begin meditation:

    Consciousness is INSIDE you.
    The action to graps at something ( a candle flame ) with your 5 senses happens OUTSIDE you.
    The easiest way is to start like this:
    you look at something outside you and in the same time, you remain concentrated inside you.    ( your gaze is directed inside you )
    Stay relaxed, body and mind, while doing this.
    Do not follow your thoughts, let them happen and let them go away.( = do not grasp your thoughts).

    If you do this meditation properly, you should not experience any arousal of fire element.
    If fire element arousal happens, stay only in consciousness, and do not try to fight against it. Stay in peace and trust.
    Ask for inner guidance.
    This may be the first signs of a Kundalini arousal experience. And Kundalini is something linked to "cosmic mother", protection and evolution.
    You do not have to fear it, it is a great blessing that many yogis would like to experience.

    You can read books about the subject:
    - Gopi Krishna =" Living with Kundalini "
    - B.S. Goel= "Third eye and Kundalini".
    - Bihar School of yoga, Paramahmsa Satyananda, =" Tattwa Shuddi". ( about elements)

    Advise: if those fire arousal happens again to you , you have to be very strict about this: do not absorb alcool, coffee , tee, drugs, junk food, any heavy food ( meat, cheese...) Vegetarian food is better in this case.

    Have a good day.

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