
Tattoo Ideas for Friends?

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My best friend and I want to get matching tattoos done when she comes home in Sept. She'll be leaving for Iraq for a couple of years. We want to get tattoos because we WANT to, so please dont tell me not to get one. Anyway, we wanted to get something with meaning. We were thinking about the friendship charm broken heart, but not as cheesy. Ive been looking online for friendship symbols or something, but there havent been any I like. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions for a unique tattoo we could get? She's in the navy so we could incorporate that somehow. But overall, we just want something that symbolizes our friendship and love we have for one another. Pictures would be great. Thanks!




  1. if you guys love each other i think the best idea, and rather cute idea imo, is to get a lock and key on the both of you.

    that way you guys are always held together by each other having your key and heart.

    it's very unique bcse most ppl think it's a guy/girl tattoo.

    but really anyone who loves someone can get it done.

    something like this maybe

    doesn't have to be on your wrists, can be on your ankle, foot, back of shoulder...

  2. Sit down with your friend and think about the things you love doing together...and try to find something to represent your time together that so when you look at your tattoo you can think about those great times...for instance if you two are always at the beach have an artist draw you up a shell or something like that. Don't pick tattoos off the internet or something that someone else already has this is your dear friend pick something that means something to both of you.  

  3. i have a best friend and we love the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas if u've ever watched the movie u'd get it.. i wanted 2 get a pic of a bat on my foot because him and i love that movie...i say get something that you both are into be it a movie a song or anything that would remind you of her and it will make for a great tat and story

  4. Hmm..what about two soldiers holding on the shoulders each other?the right sleeve is yours and the other sleeve on your friends'

  5. Me and my three friends went to New York for the summer before college and we all got matching tattoos to commemorate. We chose something that meant something to each of us, so we all got different colored gummy bears on our heels. We chose this because like every week we would go to our local walgreens and buy a bag of gummy bears. Anyways, I would choose a symbol that means something to you and your friend. I think tattoos are great and would never discourage you from getting one!  

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