
Tattoo Recovery Help?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, So today, I went and got a tattoo. And I wasnt able to understand completly how to take care of it, While recovering. I have Vitamin A & D Ointment, Witch I have been kinda rubbing over the tattoo. (after I kinda used water very gently). I need some advice, on how to keep my tattoo in great shape for recovery, Picture included below. Its on my left arm, above the muscle. Thanks ahead of time for your help.

Here is the link to my tattoo:

Please someone give me some precise instructions on how to keep it well maintained, how much A&D to put, pat? rubb? dab? gently rub? Im kinda concerned, please help.




  1. a tattoo like that will heal very easy.

    - wash with warm water with dial soap (unscented anti bacterial soap)

    - unscented lotion 2 times a day

    -don't pick at it, ever

    -let the skin fall off by itself

    -don't take super long hot showers

    -pat it dry

    -if you put ointment on it or lotion on it too much it will actually take the tattoo longer to heal. it needs to dry up.

    all tattoo artists recommend something different. but what i said above is really the standard.

  2. Just put on enought to make a thin layer so it will rub in.  You can rub it in.  Also, if they didn't tell you, use unscented soap to wash it, I used Dove unscented because I already had it. It will begin peeling in a week or so, and might itch.  It's very important that you do NOT peel off the skin that is peeling, just let it come off on its own.  If you pull off the peeling skin, it might take some of the color with it and you'll lose the color in that spot.  After you quit using the A&D (for however long they told you to use it), you can keep it from itching as much with unscented lotion (I used unscented lubriderm.)

  3. I used A & D and it came out great, it also helps keep the color in and doesn't drain it. Put enough on it so it covers it but not so it drenches it. Before putting on A & D clean it with soap and warm water then gently dab at it with a towel then when it dries put the ointment on. Don't worry if you see peices coming off, it's normal and it helps clean your tattoo. Do this for about a week and you should be fine :) Good luck!

  4. My ex gently smeared a light coating of antibacterial ointment (Neosporin or something like that) over his tattoo and kept it covered with gauze pads until it was completely healed. He washed and re-coated the tattoo with Neosporin daily then re-covered it with gauze, which he taped on.  He had no infection or scarring.  It healed up very fast.  

  5. 1. Put A&D on it every 4-6 hours, just enough to cover the whole thing, don't over-moisturize.

    2. make sure you wear sleeveless shirts as much as possible, to allow the tattoo to breathe, and therefore heal more quickly

    3. DON'T SCRATCH IT! if it itches, slap it gently because scratching can mess it up or scar it.

    4.  Make sure you clean it with a colorless, unscented, non-deoderant soap (like Dial or Cetaphil).  Instead of a washcloth, gently wash it with your fingertips.  When drying off, pat it dry instead of wiping.

    5. Avoid pools, hot tubs, bath tubs, and sun exposure

    good luck!

  6. Ok, wash your tattoo gently in the shower in the morning.  let it dry completely.  Then apply a thin layer of ointment.  Dab it with a paper towel, so there is just a slight sheen.  Go about your day.  DUring the day for the first - I don't know - 3 days or so, if it gets really dry, go ahead and apply another thin layer of ointment.  Sometimes I wash it before applying, but not all the time...At night I would was it before I go to bed, though.  After 4 days or so...just use lotion (unscented).  You should be fine...everyone freaks out about taking care of tattoos, but in my experience, it all depends on the quality of the tattoo from the beginning, not so much what you do to take care of long as you don't pick it - you should be fine....good luck.

    ***just read one about covering it until it's healed...I wouldn't do that, it needs to breathe*****
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