
Tattoo? So my mum says i can get one?

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I turn 17 on the 10th Sept, and my mum said i can get a tattoo.. yet she is at work full time so she cant go. Now if i take proof of who i am and who my mum is, also something with her consent on it would they go ahead and do it? Thanks




  1. no it doesnt work like that sorry i was having the same problem when i got both of mine and most shops here at least are open really late so im sure your mom could make time to go with you but they cant and wont tattoo unless your parent is present with you and some shops wont and cant tattoo minors AT ALL cause its against the law but good luck  

  2. Nope lol even with consent it is not legal and anywhere that will do it when you are underage will fk it up just wait a while.

  3. Call the tattoo place and see if that will be enough. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it's not. Plus, make sure you have picked out the perfect tattoo that you want, the needles hurt, and there are always risks. The laser process removal is really expensive, and sometimes painful for some people. So make sure you're getting and doing the right thing. I'm getting rid of mine.  

  4. Why not just wait till you mom can go with you? Its not really that big of a deal. I waited till I was 18, really no big deal.

  5. no sorry, you"ll find that most tattooist"s wont tattoo until the person is 18,

  6. Phone up the tattoo parlor and ask what they will need as proof or your mums consent.

    Oh and a reply to "999pheebs": your a stupid cow. i got my first tattoo when i was 16. if your parent goes with you you can get it done if u are 5!

  7. Dont- girls dont like them. And once it's on you can NEVER get it off!


  8. your mom would have to sign papers, proving that she is giving you permission to get a tattoo.

    so she would have to walk in with you.

  9. she has to be there in person

    its the law.

    until you turn 18.  

  10. My best bet is no, but who knows.  Before you get your tattoo make sure that you'll never regret getting it.  Also make sure that needles are sterilized.  

  11. you can stop by the place and pick up a release form. then you can two can sign it at a prove it rel... and return it.

  12. Think about it this way - if your mother gave you a letter saying that she permits you to drink beer in pubs do you think a landlord would serve it to you?

    Have a great birthday.

  13. Where do you live? If you're in the US and in one of the few states that allows for tattooing under 18 your mum will have to be there with you. If you are in the UK (as I suspect, saying "mum" not "mom") it doesn't matter whether she can be there with you or not - the minimum legal age is 18. No exceptions - sorry.

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