
Tattoo artist messed up?

by  |  earlier

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I got a tattoo about four days ago. It's of a key going down my pubic region. The tattoo artist totally messed up on it. The lines aren't the same thickness at the head of the key, and some of the detailed parts aren't even, plus the shading doesn't look that great. I know the lines can be fixed, but is there any help for the detailed parts, what about the shading? Was thinking about going to a different artist and getting a ribbon around it to cover up some parts of the key.. what do you think?




  1.  i just got a homemade peace sign on the very back of my neck 

    it was my first tattoo

    it was homemade one 

    its FUCKED 

    im PISSED 

  2. Alright so i went and got my 3rd tattoo and it was ment to be a peace sign but the guy didnt put the line going all the way through the peace sign so now it looks like i have a upside down y on my neck... no one noticed till i did... so should i get it fixed? or should i leave it? i was thinking about filling it all in black and red because those were the colors it was done in letting that heal and then going back and puting the peace sign in with white ink and then the whole tattoo would be red, black, gray and pink... or should i just leave it? most people say it looks like a peace sign...

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