
Tattoo help with colours!?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I'm getting this on the inside of my wrist (with "The cherade... won't last" only written once lol I was playing about with fonts) The writing will be similar to the middle font. Anyway, I was wondering what colour the moon and stars should be. It will be on the inside of my right wrist, spanning about 2.5 inches by 1.5 inches. Also, any ideas how much it would cost in North East UK?





  1. Hey i would keep it all in black with shading as you don't want to be messing around with your wrist too much (it hurts badly!!!!) i think that all black and grey shading looks really good and will look really original. if not the the moon a light grayish blue and the stars a goldy colour.

    hope it helps.

  2. deep blue with some highlights on the moon and yellow stars. or purple moon with pink stars. at a good artist i'd say about $40-50 as its detailed, colured and got the script on it.

    hope you love your ink when its done xx

  3. Moon - Blue

    Stars - Yellow;...

  4. One of my friends had a tattoo done in just white, it was expensive but looked amazing. Couldn't say how much it would cost now, this was at least 10 years ago! Good luck and hope you love your new tatt :)

  5. I would like to know the meaning of the tattoo....its cute, but the grammar doesn't make sense...

    I would go with purples, blue, greens and some yellows.

  6. i like either the second or third fonts.

    also, make sure it's spelled correctly!  in the US it's "charade"  but i'm not sure if yours is correct in the UK or not

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