
Tattoo. i think i finally FOUND IT! (pic)?

by  |  earlier

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i am 15, and for my birthday i am going to get a tattoo.

i been looking forever to find one i really really like.

and i think i found it,

you may think its stupid but i dont care im in love with it.

but i want it across my stomach or over my hip or on my side.

what do you think of it?




  1. I know that this seems like a really good idea now, but I really think you should wait until you are legal. Here's why:

    1) Your body isn't done growing yet! If you get that tattoo now, chances are it will change over time and become distorted by the time that you are 18!

    2) Your ideas and opinions about designs will most likely alter from now until you are of legal age, and a cupcake may not be such a great idea.

    3) You aren't emotionally ready for a tattoo at that age!

    Don't get me wrong, dear. I love tattoos and I think that it's great that you are interested in body art, but it would be very wise to wait until you are 18 so you don't get a tattoo now that becomes distorted and stretched!

    I guarantee that you won't regret it.

  2. 15 is still too young..Most shops will not touch someone under 18,sit on that idea for a few years and see if you still like it..I think its cute..But just wait till your 18..

  3. g*y g*y g*y g*y g*y g*y g*y g*y g*y g*y. dont get it. unless ur a girl or you are in fact g*y.

  4. REALLY cute.

    even though its not something i would get on my body..i really like tats tlike that, that are really girly and colorful.

    i would say your looking around 300$++

    also depends on the artist and if or if not they charge by the hour

    get it on your hip :]

  5. are you planning on ever having kids cuz if you get it on your belly thatl look bad as after and sorry but your 15 how long have you been looking for? if you get it at 15 its gonna look c**p and faded by the time your 30 i know you didnt wanna hear that but you asked

  6. Idk but OMG I love it. Now I want it. Hahaha. =]  

  7. That's a really stylish cupcake, it's gonna look sharp. I think it would look best the size it is... and it would make a really cute abdomen piece, either that or upper shoulder blade. Really sharp! The size it is, should be around $130.00. I see no ryhme or reason that these people are giving you a hard time about getting it... or what they're doing in this section, anyway. How do they know what you'll regret or not? Bet they have no ink at all, or something crappy on 'em. It's your skin, and your ink. Good choice!

  8. just consult your parents first...and be sure you have a very deep meaning of your design so you wont regret it for the rest of your life!

  9. its really really really cute

    i suggest hip that is angled and goes downward

  10. Here's the thing... while it is's not going to be that brightly colored. Tattoos start off bright and pretty but they do fade unless you're up to going every couple of years to brighten it up, I say don't do it. You're only 15....why the rush for something so drastic??? The only time I would say I understand the need to get one would be to honor someones if someone close to you just passed and you wanted to remember something special about them on you.

    Look, it's up to you but just make sure you're making the right decision. Good luck kiddo!

  11. get it

  12. That's adorable but not for a tattoo. Just think about when your like 40, your going to have a frickin cupcake on your stomach or hip or something. Get something more meaningful. Like maybe a lost loved-one or something not a cupcake.

  13. you wont love it 10 years - imagine your grandma with that... you have to live with that for the rest of your life

  14. hip and the cost depends on the tattoo shop. make sure you shop around and show what size you want it so they could estimate the cost for you.

  15. OH MY GOSH! i love that soo much! I think you should getit on your hip! now you have me thinking if i want that or not1 ahha!

    that might cost around 200! dont listen to them other people saying just imagaine it when you get old...i really dont think a grandma is going to be walking around on the beach with a 2 piece on..give me a break! i love the tattoo!!!

    Good luck!<3

  16. I think you are too young for a tattoo, and also I think that in 20 years you are going to regret having a tattoo of a cupcake. If you are really serious about this, take more time to think about what you really want. Its permanent so choose wisely. I am 23, and have 3 that all have a very special meaning in my life.  

  17. thats cool good luck

  18. It's only legal with parental consent when you're 16, you moron!

  19. i personally love it especially cause i LOVE cupcakes lol

    you should get it done!

    i think on your left hip on the side would look really nice

  20. It's cute. I would reconsider putting it on your stomach. You'd be sending a VERY clear message(that cherry).

  21. it's gonna look bad wen it starts to ware off

  22. I love the idea of getting of tattoo but I hate the idea of just tattooing something irrelevant on your body. To me, a tattoo should be very personal and not just a picture of something you think is cute or pretty. And especially not an exact replica of someone else's tattoo! That's worse that walking into a tattoo parlor and picking a dolphin or butterfly tat off the wall.  My suggestion: hold off a bit. Trust me, the person you are at 15 is nowhere near the person you're going to be at 21. I doubt you'll be that into cupcakes in your early twenties.  :)  

  23. Ughh...You really want that on you for the rest of your life?

  24. You're only 15. You have the rest of your life to live. Think about what it'll look like when you're you really want that forever?

  25. Your right I think it's stupid but that's not what matters.  If you want to get a cupcake tatooed on your body, there to remain for the rest of your life, more power to you.

  26. The colour and the design of the tattoo is very attractive but, I find mostly to the children taste. Why not just wait a while and choose a better design and tattoo to your body. Because I am afraid that you choose this tattoo design, you will regret later on.

    I suggest that since your parent agreed to let you have a tattoo, why not you design your own tattoo or ask your friend to design a beautiful tattoo diagram for you. Then later message me about the design, so that I can give you my comments.

    If you are a sassy girl, the best part to do a tattoo is nearby your hip.

    The price of tattoo are depend the size of the design, colour and pattern. You can negotiate it.

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