
Tattoo...parental contest...?

by  |  earlier

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If I want a tattoo at what age can I go and get it by myself, without parental contest?

i don't want to post where i live, but it is some where within the U.S. ~ so you could gave me a website shows which state and the age you can get it to without any parental contest.

~$~ THANKS ~$~




  1. 18 in any state. in some states like az you can be 17 with parental CONSENT not contest.

  2. You have to be eighteen!

  3. You have to be 18 anywhere, unless you go somewhere that doesn't check ID... to be honest, alot of them don't unless you're getting something big or you look young. I go to whats considered the best tattoo artist in the area and he doesn't check (though i already had a tattoo when i went to him so that could be why)..

    Appearently there are a couple states you have to be 21 but I'm not sure if thats true. Its whatever the "legal age" is or the age you are considered to be an adult.  

  4. Here are a couple of websites.  Do your homework and make sure you go to a tattoo artist with a good reputation.

  5. Usually you cant get a tattoo until you're 18.(in any state) so if you're under 18 and you want a tattoo you need a parent's signature

  6. 18  

  7. without any parental CONSENT

    you need to be 18 everywhere except South Carolina (21)

    but since you can't figure out how to use the search bar, and you think it's "parental contest" have to wait at least 3 years after the normal legal age

    try being an adult and wait until you're AT LEAST 18

    you'll be glad you did in 10 years

  8. 18

    don't go before that, no reputable place will tattoo you below that age

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