
Tattooing eye brows??

by  |  earlier

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is it worth it to get your eye brows tattoo??? i like very thin chola brow and i dont know if its better to pay to keep getting them wax??




  1. Ew, tattooed eye-brows are ugly & so unnatural looking.

    No, it's not worth a single penny.

  2. i wouldnt do it.

    its perment.

    && weboth know how

    every year the style changes.

    one year bushy

    next year thin.

    but check it out! :D

  3. lol

  4. No don't tattoo on eyebrows, they might look fine now but what about in 50 years when you are older and your skin is not as young as it is now!!

  5. NO NO NO!! They look ridiculous!! I had a co-worker who had them done and she looked like a drag queen. Even our boss said what the h**l is up with your eyebrows. Don't do it. Think about when you get older and you face starts to droop and your eyebrows sag in all the wrong places. They are so ugly!!!!  

  6. dont tattoo them...your face moves seriously it looks really weird as you age.

  7. no omg don't do it i saw this old lady one time and her eyebrows wear tattooed and omg her brows were like  arched really high and her face was all sagged so like i think it will be weird if your old and your brows don't match your face...♥

  8. That's a big no! Even if you are  not growing anymore, yor face is still changing. Maybe the skin that is over your eyebrows now, is going to be higher or lower in the future. Also, the colors of the ink that they use changes over time. It's convenient for a time, but you could end up looking like a freak in the future. Don't ask the people at the tatoo place, because they just want your money and business. Ask someone personally, or research on the internet.

  9. definately not they change colors as the tattoo gets older. my friends sister got them in in dark brown and in just 3 years they were purple! just get your eyebrows waxed and when they start growing back in tweeze them yourself  
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