
Tattoos and Teachers?

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I am a prospective elementary education teacher, and will be graduating from highschool this spring. I was wondering if anyone knows if you are allowed to have tattoos as a teacher?

I'm think very appropriate, my first I hope to get on my ankle...or wrist. Is that allowed?





  1. I think as long as you cover it up your fine. My volleyball coach and a lot of my teachers have them and I am in high school so go for it

  2. Principals answer to superintendents. Superintendents answer to school boards, school boards are elected b the community members to carry out the community standards for education.

    That being said, tattoos often evoke negative responses from many parents and other (older teachers). Same with provocative clothing, flashy jewelery, piercings, funky hairdos.

    Not illegal for teachers to have them, but not illegal to not hire you if you do have one.  Harder to fire you for having one, but if you are a new teacher and not tenured, they don't have to have grounds for your dismissal....keep that in mind.

    I have a tattoo, but unknown to most at the school.  While running one day, was seen by students and then it was all over.  Didn't hurt much, but you become very aware that your personal life will be scrutinized.  I taught h.s.

    As an elementary may cause some concern and it may be the unspoken reason you are not hired.   Even a tasteful tattoo may be problematic, as "tasteful" is in the eye of the beholder.  Wrist tattoos are more problematic than ankle ones, as less visible in most clothes.  Wrist tatoos still have a certain "risque" and "rebel" appeal to them which makes the wearer of them questionable to a conservative employer (most school administrators are conservative)  

    I'm not telling you not to do it, but as someone who has hired/fired...visible tattoos will distract the hirer from considering careful, be discreet.   WHen you are a new and untenured teacher...they can get rid of you a whole lot easier/quicker than if yo have been there a while, so they tend to be critical of new hires.

  3. I do think that tattoos are allowed because I have a teacher who has one, but she tries to cover it I think. It still shows...I think it's fine as long as it's small.

  4. It doesn't look very professional and it may turn some employers off, but I don't think that they are illegal in most public schools. Specific private schools may require teachers to have all tats covered up, but I'm only speculating.

    If I were you, I'd think twice about getting one that is quite so obvious. Even if a school doesn't have a rule against it, you might meet with uptight parents who do not approve and consequently make your life h**l.

    Be yourself, but understand that it may have a negative effect on your future job search.

  5. Sure, why not....?

  6. I would just stick with the ankle. Its not that they arent going to allow it its just that when u enterview it might not look as good if u have it on ur wrist....

  7. I would wear long sleeves just to be sure, because tattoos is looked down upon from what I know. However, if you have a stellar portfolio I am sure that having a tattoo will not hinder your acceptance.

  8. It really depends on what kind of tattoo you get.

    I had a teacher who did get in trouble for showing the class his on his shoulder and i had another teacher cover the flower on her ankle up with a band-aid so if you do get one,cover it up.

  9. yes you can have tattoos but as long as the students ant see them it ok

  10. tatoos are fine for me if it is intented for arts sake.
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