
Tattoos in South Africa?

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If your spouse / partner decides do get a tattoo, will it ruin your relationship with him/her ?




  1. I'm not sure, it would greatly depend on the tattoo itself and especially on it's size and location, fortunately my wife is reasonably conservative when it comes to piercings and body art so I doubt she would ever get a tattoo by her own free will, she's also a sissy so she wouldn't be able to handle the pain when the needle cuts in my opinion, I found it excruciating.

    Feminine tattoos of light colours etc don't look too bad on a lady but I would never encourage my wife to have one done and especially not a dark tattoo.

    She did joke with me last year that she wanted a boob job (reduction), perhaps she wasn't joking but I'm certainly not paying for it!!!

  2. Not at all!!!

    If anything I'd like him to get one so I stop seeming like the rebel girlfriend with the piercings and tattoo's. Maybe I should save for one for him on his birthday... I'd like another one as well, my old one is boring me.

  3. Madam would not be impressed!!  I would harp on about it for a few months.  But there would not be much I could do about it once it is there, can I ??

  4. I have 3 tattoos and just last week hubby went for his first one. I have had mine for years. Each one has a specific story and the last one was in  memory of my son. Hubby didn't mind at all.

  5. As long as it is no faces or animal pictures. If she has a barbed wire tattoo around her upper arm, she must not even come home.

  6. I want my husband to get a tiny Ironman tatoo, or what about my name across his breast!! ....... But he will never, he is such a baby. As for me, I will NEVER get a tat, never ever.But say for instance he does get an enormous dragon or something on his arm I will be highly upset, I will have him at the plastic surgeon in a flash........or take it off myself with my Bowie knife...............

  7. No, i have one myself

  8. I would not like it (have a thing with tattoos;-)), but it will not ruin our relationship.  

    If you are in a relationship, it does not mean that you are not your own individual person.  

    If he discuss it with me I would try to convince him not to do it, and if he does it first and then show me, I may be mad for a while, then accept it as part of him.  Life is too short (and love too precious) to fuss over something that does not make or break a relationship.

    BTW - if the tattoo contains a name, and it is not mine.... then it will ruin the relationship for sure....;-)

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