
Tattoos peeling off in a dream?

by  |  earlier

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Last night i had a dream that i was working on the bank of a little stream in the mountains. I was sifting sand with another man who was in a wheel chair (i work with handicapped people in real life.) In my dream, i was explaining to him the meaning of my tattoos (the Mayflower and a Cross) when they started peeling off. The ink was just flaking away and when i scratched the tattoo with my fingernail, it came right off as if it were dirt.

Can anyone decipher this dream for me?




  1. You wish you never got a tattoo

  2. It means things like Tats aren't that important, and that you place all this significance on them when you shouldn't, anytime a valuable, or person, blows away, or disappears in a dream, you are placing to much emphasis on it in your real world, so stop. Its just  a disposable body, yes take care of it, but don't get vain.

  3. ive had this one too !!!

    mt wrist tattoo peeled off as i scraped it with my nail !!

    i still have no idea what it was about !

  4. Your dream suggests that you are going through some searching in your life about permanent values.

    Things that were once meaningful or important to you have faded in light of maturity and realization of the more serious demands in life.  Kudos to you for your good works - you must have a great heart.

    The stream suggests the movement of life along that timeline that we all face.  You pan and sift for fortune - you share the need of the handicapped man there with you on equal terms.  No doubt it is more difficult for him to do as you do, but there he is.  As you are with him you try to explain the importance of these permanent reminders of temporary feelings that now fade as the challenge of life gets deeper.  That's not to be critical of tattoos, it is meant only to note that often the feelings people had when they got them fade over time and mean little after all.

    In that the images are of the Mayflower and a Cross you do seem to hold solid values of your origins and Whose you are - that's heritage and saving grace acknowledged.  But even though there is no shame in tattoos, they are pale badges compared to what is branded on your heart.

    You are starting to discover that as those outer marks - the tattoos - begin to drop away.  That is a discovery that seeps in even as you answer this man - he helps you find wisdom.  That is what you gain from your good work and from those you help who would return that love to you.

    I hope this may help in your understanding, and again - thanks for your good work with the handicapped.  You seem to have a good heart and are gaining wisdom as you experience life - good for you.

    All the best to you.

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